Part 13

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Class had started, and it was currently the middle of the Afternoon. Class 1A was waiting for their Heroics Teacher to arrive. They knew who it was since they were announced on the first day. Everyone else was talking about it, while Shoto, Hiriki and Izuku had their own conversation.

Hiriki: "Man, I can't wait for Heroics Class!"

Izuku: "Same. It was only just yesterday that we got to do some exciting stuff."

Hiriki: "Only some exciting stuff for about 2 - 3 hours! The rest of the day was just me and Itsu watching every Jurassic Park Movie from Jurassic Park 1 to Dominion."

Izuku: "Nice. All that me and the girls did was train and eat out. Got permission from Mr. Aizawa to go out, despite all those things happening all over Japan."

Hiriki: "Where'd you guys eat?"

Izuku: "An all-you-can-eat buffet. The one nearby."

Shoto: "How was the food there, then?"

Izuku: "Great. Ate about 25 bowls of Ramen, Katsudon, and Beef."

Hiriki: "And you didn't invite us."

Izuku: "If I did, then you wouldn't have had your movie marathon."

Hiriki: "Hmm... Fair point. Still, Itsu and I would've loved to go to that buffet. Sho, how about you? What'd you do yesterday?"

Shoto: "Just took a long walk around the school with Momo... And ate some Soba."

Izuku: "You sure that that's the only thing that you did? Hehehe."

Shoto: "What the- Oh... Don't even think about it, you overgrown snow puff!"

Izuku(chuckles): "What did I do? Kaibigan, ano nasa isip mo?"

Izuku(chuckles): "What did I do? Kaibigan, ano nasa isip mo?"

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Shoto: "You fucking donkey..."

Hiriki: "Shoto be thinking about it, though. I mean, with that cage in your room-"

Shoto: "Don't."

Hiriki laughed a bit, and so did Izuku. Shoto just gave them a deadpan stare.

Shoto: "Idiots..."

Just as both were about to say something, they heard footsteps coming from outside of the door, despite all the noise. The door then suddenly opened, and in came Hisashi, who went through Shrek-style once again.

 The door then suddenly opened, and in came Hisashi, who went through Shrek-style once again

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