Part 18

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I'm giving out a few hints in this chapter as to who the traitor in Nightmare's ranks is. You might need a translator for this.

And in case you're wondering, yes, I am making it VERY obvious who the traitor is.

And an added bonus, I added a link to my 4th book to this one.

But just a head's up, I already added the link since Chapter 3 of this book.

And who knows... this book might even be able to connect with my 3rd book in the near future.

And a heads up, not really, but this chapter contains way too much stuff involving sexual acts and shit like that.

Which will be the setup for the next chapter, which happens to be the Harem Lemon.


It was currently around 8PM in Japan, and a few people were currently in the infirmary.

One of them started to stir awake. It was Izuku.

Izuku(groans): "The hell happened?"

Memories of the USJ then started to flow into his mind. He sighed upon remembering everything.

Izuku: "Man, what a day. I wonder how the others are?"

He then took a look around the room and noticed some of his friends present, and 3 of which were sleeping by his hospital bed's side. They were Hikori, Nagisa, and Mizuki, who were fast asleep.

Nagisa was holding Izuku's left hand while asleep. Izuku chuckled, and used his other hand to give her a pat on the head, which got a reaction from her. Her eyes squinted for a second before they started to open.

She yawned and stretched her eyes as she, too began to stir awake. She rubbed her eyes and looked at Izuku, still half-asleep.

Izuku: "Good morning? Or should I say Good evening?"

Just by hearing his voice, she suddenly went wide awake.

Nagisa: "IZUKU!"

She yelled and jumped up and hugged Izuku tightly. Form her yelling, she woke up the other 2, being Hikori and Mizuki. Mizuki accidentally bumped her head on the wall.

They were about to scold Nagisa for suddenly waking them up, but they saw Izuku, and they also hugged him.

Izuku: "Guys... can't breath."

They let go of him, letting him catch his breath.

Izuku: "Phew, that's better..."

Nagisa: "We're sorry."

Mizuki: "You, especially. You made me hit my head on the wall."

Nagisa: "Sorry..."

Mizuki: "Apology accepted."

Izuku: "I also accept your apologies. So, how is everyone else? How are you guys? And how long was I out?"

Mizuki: "Well, it's 7 PM, so only about a few hours."

Nagisa: "And we're pretty much alright. Just tired."

Hikori: "As for the others... Some of them were just tired, the others, they're here with you. Mainly those idiots."

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