Chapter 2- The Rules Of The Street

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I've decided not to tell Tristian about what happened the other night with Marcus before he does and does something to get himself killed. I was outside my apartment clearing my head when I saw Leena walking up to me. "Wassup gurlie" she said sitting next to me on the steps

"Hey girl" I said

"Wassup with you, It looked like someone just took a shit on your dreams" she said

"Naww I'm all good"

I felt someone walk up behind me so I turned around and saw Tisha standing there with clothes that didn't even cover up her business. "Lil girl you best get your ass back in that house and change before I send you to a nun convention cause we all know you need Jesus" I said and she glared at me

"I need to look good for my nigguhs" she said

"Yea look good not like a prostitute" I said "now go change"

She groaned before heading back upstairs. Just then I saw four lost boys walking out the apartment building across the street "aye Sheeda ain't that the nigguhs Tisha been talking about" Leena said pointing to them

They looked lost as fuck and also intimidated. Riley lookalike smiled when he saw me and walked over with the rest of them following. "Hey Rasheeda" he said

I remember him but I don't remember him at the same time. Does that sound fucked up to you? Anyway I just decided to be polite and say hi back "wassup" I said

His voice sounded familiar. Then it hit me. He was the nigguh I was chillin' with at the bar at the party. "We're kinda lost and confused in what to do with our lives at this point. So technically we need help" he said chuckling a nervous chuckle and it was kinda cute.

Before i could even respond Tisha came back outside in appropriate clothing and squealed when she saw the guys "OMG Sheeda do you not know who your talking to" she asked screaming

"Damn girl calm your ovaries they just boys" Leena said

"Your thirst is so real is not even funny anymore" I said

"Hello señorita I believe we have met before" The Huey lookin' nigguh said taking her hand and caressing it

"Yea and if I ever catch y'all in that position again I'll make sure that this time I kill your ass" Tristan said coming from around the corner of the building causing me and Leenah to jump.

Honestly he scared me, like you can't sneak up and pull some ninja shit on people. "Don't sneak up on people like that you wanna get shot cause I got people that can make your death look like an accident" Leena threatened him and we all laughed

Leena has a Spanish accent when she talks so its funny when shes cussing someone or threatens them cause you never know when she's just gonna go Spanish on your ass.

"Well damn Leena. And you know you can't let a nigguh kill me" he said smirking

"You wanna bet" she said in a serious tone and his smirk fell

"Sheeda, Tisha, Tristan come inside and Leena go home cause I got a call from my homeboy and Javier is looking for your ass" Marcus said sticking his head out from his bedroom window

"That's my cue adios chicas laters nigguhs from across the street" she said then headed down the street.

"Well how bout you meet us here tomorrow same time and we can teach you the rules of the street cause y'all need to know those before y'all go wondering around here" I said

"And you hit me up sometime" Tisha said pulling a piece of paper out her bra and handed it to the Huey lookin' nigguh and she smiled.

"Aight shawty" he taking it.

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