Chapter 9- Abortion

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Roc Royal'sPOV

I had to walk out of the hospital. I didn't know how to take the news that Tisha was pregnant. The girl that I was in love with was pregnant by another guy- the guy I use to call my best friend.

I know I shouldn't be mad at her but a part of me is. I keep thinking maybe if she listened to Rasheeda and stayed away from Princeton none of this would be happening.

I walked out to the parking lot and got in my car. I just sat there and thought. Thought about how much everything is gonna change but then I thought, what if she doesn't wake up? What will happen to the baby? I couldn't live with myself if they both died.

Isn't it strange that I want this to be my baby even though there's not possible way of that happening.

There was a knock on the car window and I saw Ray with a small smile on his face. I unlocked the doors and he got in the passenger seat. "You cool?" He asked me.

"I'm straight" I lied. I was actually getting all in my feelings right now.

"Y'all gon pull through this Roc" he said in a comforting tone.

"Ray, I never fell so hard for a girl before and now all this shit is happening to her"

"Like I said before, y'all gon pull through this" he said patting my back.

"What if she wakes up and doesn't wanna be with me? What if she goes back to Prince and then they be a big happy family like them white people in movies" I said and he laughed.

"You're a real fool you know" he laughed. "Roc, I'm pretty sure that she would go out with you. After all you did for her and visiting her everyday since she got shot why wouldn't she want to be with you." He said. "And plus she was already feelin' you before all this happened."

"Do you think she's gonna wake up?" I asked in a sad tone.

"I know she will, Tisha is a strong girl"

I just hope she's strong enough to take the news that she's pregnant with Princeton's baby.


Prod and I we're back at the house playing 2k13. I don't know where the other's went but they just left without saying anything so oh well. "So what's your plan now?" Prod asked as he whooped my ass in the game.

"I don't know, I mean I can't hide from Javier forever" I said and he nodded still with his focus on the tv. "Nigguh can't you go easy on a half nigguh" I said referring to him murdering my ass in this game.

"My bad bro. It just feels good to finally win in this game after being beat by both Roc and Ray" he said.

"Can we play 'Call Of Duty'?" I asked since that was the only game I knew how to play.

"Aight" Prod replaced 2k13 with Call Of Duty and we started playing.

"I wish Walter and Keisha would come get us already" he said after getting into the game.

"Forreal, I don't know the point of them bringing us here." I said shooting a few people in the game. "The only thing we learned is how easy it is to get killed." I added.

"It's funny cause we were really suppose to learn how to survive on our own and do things for ourselves." Prod said then paused the game and turned to me. "Did you learn anything Prince?" He asked.

I thought for a moment. "Naw, I always had Javier and his brothers to protect me so I knew if I messed up they would cover for me."

"Then your missing the whole point of this 'punishment'" he said making air quotes around the word punishment.

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