Chapter 7- I Want Out

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I've officially moved in with Djaay. It was only suppose to be temporary but I just didn't wanna go back home and his lazy ass didn't mind me staying here since I cook and clean and put it down right. I finally built up enough courage to have real sex with him and ever since then we've been doing it like bunnies.

Tisha hasn't woke up yet and I'm scared because they gonna have to take her off life support soon since we don't have enough money to pay for it. I can't lose my little sister, my bestfriend, my ride or die. She's my everything and I can't think of my life without her. I blame that blexican, afro having, green loving, peace repping, retarded son of a bitch Princeton. "I swear I'm gonna kill him!" I accidentally yelled out loud.

Djaay looked at me like I was crazy but then he started laughing. "There you thinking crazy again and stressing yourself out," he laughed. "I already told you bae I gotchu, don't worry about Princeton"

"Don't tell me not to worry about him when my fucking sister can be dying because of him!" I yelled.

"Sheeda, calm yo ass down before I put you in yo place" he growled angrily.

I glared at him before getting up and stomping to our room. I slammed the door and sat down on the bed and cried. Crying it all I seem to be doing now a days. It's like Tisha brought out my soft side. I've been so stressed out lately that I cry everything out. I don't talk to Leenah no more cause she's going trough her own problems with her brothers and I can't talk to Djaay cause he seems like he won't give a fuck.

I miss Tisha. She would listen to me, give me the dumbest advice in the world then make me look on the bright side. I miss her promiscuous ways, her loud ass, her rude ass, her dumb ass, basically I just miss my other half.

I few moments later I heard the bedroom door open. "Bae, your not crying again are you?" Djaay said walking in. I didn't answer him. He was the last person I wanted to be around right about now. "Rasheeda answer me!" Djaay said in a firm tone.

"Leave me the fuck alone!" I barked wiping my tears.

"Raheeda are you pregnant?"

My head snapped up in his direction and I stared at him furiously. That question caught me off guard but it sure as hell made me mad. "What kind of fucked up question is that Djaay!" I yelled. "I'm on the pill and your ass better have been using condoms!"

"Calm down Rasheeda" he said calming sitting next to me. "I was just asking cause you been hella moody lately"

"I'm just frustrated D" I said and buried my head in his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my back. "I miss her"

"We all miss her Sheeda but you gotta know she's gonna live" I sobbed into his chest more. "What can I do to make you feel better?" He asked after a moment.

"Let me shoot Princeton in his dick" he chuckled.

"Your violent, you know that right?" He laughed and I smiled. "Princeton will get his time but right now all we needa do is pray for Tisha"

"I love you Djaay" I said and leaned up to kiss him.

"I love you to girl" he said kissing me back.

I honestly don't know how he puts up with me. I'm a total bitch.

Roc Royal'sPOV

"Tisha please wake up for me baby" I said in a low tone as I watched her lay in the hospital bed.

Ever since she got shot I've been visiting her everyday. I pray every time I see her for her to wake up. I miss her, everyone misses her. Her being in the hospital impacted everyone's life, good and bad. Her mom quit her job as a stripper and got a job at a diner so she could try and be a better mother, Rasheeda has been softening up and she's letting out her feelings and emotions, Djaay has been more considerate, Princeton is M.I.A, Leenah's been acting shady, Shawn's been stressed, Ray looks lost and confused as always and I'm learning how to love. I think I love Tisha and I just pray for to live so I can tell her. If she dies Princeton is a dead man so he better be praying for her life as much as I am.

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