Chapter 14- Teyana Jamella Perez

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This is the worst pain I ever felt in my life. I want it to be over. I had Princeton trying to calm me on one side which was pissing me off cause he was the reason I here and I had Roc holding my hand and caressing it which was somewhat keeping me call and keeping me from killing Princeton. Tristan was outside watching the kids with his new girlfriend that we all met literally three hours ago when I got here and Djaay. Mom, Leenah and Sheeda was yelling at the doctor because he refuse to give me the epidural which I am in desperate need of right now. "I hate you so much Princeton." I breath and slightly glared at him. 

"I'm sorry Tisha." Was all he said which made me mad for no reason.

"Bae calm down, its gonna be over soon." I Roc said in a calm tone and kissed my forehead. 

I nodded and breath out. Right now Roc was more help in this situation than my own baby's father. To be quite honest I really didn't want Princeton around me at the moment since I was in so much pain, I was uncomfortable and I was annoyed and it was all his fault. No 14 year old should go through. The pain was so unbearable I started crying. "Awwn don't cry Tish, I promise it will be over soon." Roc said wiping my tears. 

I nodded and tried to stop crying but the tears kept coming. It hurt so much. "Tisha they're gonna go prepare for your delivery." My mom said coming back in my room followed by Leenah and Sheeda. 

I just nodded while Roc continued to wipe my falling tears. I couldn't even speak since I was in so much pain. I don't recall Leenah being in this much pain when she was labor. A few moments later the doctors came in a started preparing. Roc held one foot and Prince held the other. Sheeda held my my hand and my mom held my other one. "Okay sweetheart, on the count of three push." The doctor said.

I nodded and gripped Sheeda's hand tighter. "1...2...3...PUSH!"

I pushed so hard and I was crying all over again. This was worst than period pains. On my second push Princeton passed out and Sheeda, Leenah and Roc were dying. I had to admit it was hilarious the way he fell but I was to focused on getting this baby out to enjoy the moment. Sheeda went to go take his place when the doctors took him out the room and Leenah took her place. About three more pushes later I heard the cries of my baby girl. Roc cut the umbilical cord since Prince wasn't here to do it and they wrapped her in a blanket and handed her to me. When I held her in my arms I couldn't help but cry. She was so pink which was understandable because both Prince and I are red bone and she has a full head of dark brown hair. She had my great grandmother's blue/violet eyes which made her even more unique. She was perfect and everything I went through for her to get here was totally worth it.


When Prince passed out it was the most funniest shit I ever saw in my life. No one is ever gonna let him live that down. Everyone was gathered around the Tisha and the baby so I took this opportunity to talk to Princeton. Now that the baby is here I decided its time to make peace with Princeton since we're both gonna be around the baby and we cant be fighting. "Yo, Prince can we talk?" I asked him.

Everyone looked at me like I was crazy even him but I ignored it and waited for an answer. "Uh yeah, I guess." He said then we both got up and left the room. "What did you want to talk about?" He asked.

"I wanted to squash all beef we have with each other. We were bros before and we left all this gang stuff get to our head and ruin our friendship. I'm sorry for everything I did to you, said to you or whatever. We still bros?" I said holding out my hand. 

He smiled and grabbed my hand and we did the guy handshake. "Yeah man we cool, and I'm sorry for every and anything I did to you." He said.

We hugged it out and dapped. "Awwnn bromance!" We turned around and saw Sheeda standing there. "Now hurry cause Tisha don't wanna say the baby name without y'all." She said and went back in the room

Prince and I laughed at her walked back in the room. Prince went to her side and gave the baby a kiss. "Okay, now can you tell us the name." Tristan said in a irritated tone.

"Princeton and I decided to name the baby Teyana Jamella Perez. It has the first letters of both our names and Teyana was my great grandmother's name and she reminded me so much of her we decided that was the perfect name." Tisha said.

"Teyana Jamella Perez. Its perfect." I said. I smiled and gave her kiss.

"I love you and thank you for everything." She said and I smiled and kissed her again. 

I knew what she was thanking me for but she didn't have to because sticking with her throughout this whole process was wasn't a favor. I love her and that's why I did it.

"I love you too."

Third Person'sPOV

That night when visiting hours were over Tisha slept peacefully in the hospital bed while Teyana slept next to her in her hospital crib. Someone entered her room in all black and look down at her. They shook their head in a disappointed way and pulled out a plastic bag. He put it over her face and suffocated her. When Tisha woke up because she couldn't breath she was horrified when she saw who it was. The fought and struggled but the person was stronger than her. Struggling was making her lose more air and eventually she stopped breathing. When they were sure she was dead they took out a knife and grabbed her arm. They carved something in her arm with the knife. "He told you we weren't done will yall Leenah." He smirked.

He wiped the blood of her arm and his knife, tied a blue bandana around her wrist then left. The only trace of him being there was Tisha's bloody arm with the words 'Cripp Gang' and the initials 'L.F.' next to it and the blue bandana around her wrist that was now drenched with her own blood.

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