Chapter 46: Day Out

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The rest of them are mainly chapter fillers, apart from chapter 50, so prepare for short/boring chapters. Thank you to innocentdevil06 for her comments on chapter 44 and 45, and to whyshouldyou, pinki4325, listentothethunder96, Mistressofwolves7 and MzSalvaTore3!! I really appreciated you're messages, they made me smile!!!! :D

Dedicated to dramaqueen1234 because you REALLY need to read her stories!! Come on guys, for me? You won't regret it!



"Jamie," Spencer said, staring at me in the eye. I could tell by his blank, expressionless look what he was going to say. Sure enough..."It's over."

I knew it was coming, but I couldn't have prepared myself for it. It felt my world was being split in two again, like that fateful night when I had cheated on Spencer and told him the truth about her. Tears swam in my eyes as I knew it was final, and he'd never love me again. Out of childish fury that I had not managed to get him back, I stamped my foot and walked away, tears spilling down my cheeks.

Now I guess I know how he felt...

.:Story Start:.

{~Jess POV~}

Spencer had broken up with Jamie, Spencer had broken up with Jamie...! I sang internally, retaining my good mood from the rest of the week. I wasn't sure why I was so excited about this news; but I guessed it was because I knew that there was no way a cold, heartless bitch like Jamie deserved someone like Spencer.

It was the weekend, and Steph and I were raving in our room, playing random songs really loudly from her iPod. We sang and danced while having a pillow fight and laughing hysterically. I wasn't sure why she was in a good mood, but I had a feeling it had something to do with her disappearance with Jared last night. When Nina and I had interrogated her about it after breakfast this morning, she had blushed a lot and denied our suspicions.

"I'm gonna break your little heart!" I sang loudly, gesturing for Steph to continue.

"Watch you take the fall!"

"Laughing all the way to the hospital,"

"'Cause there's nothing surgery can do..."

"...when I break your little heart in two!" we both sang together, before laughing hysterically at our awful voices. We loved that song; heck, we loved All Time low. We were about to start on Damned if I do ya, (damned if I don't), also by All Time Low, when we heard banging on the door.

"Choosing All Time Low over us?" a familiar voice called through the door. Steph and I laughed at Spencer's feigned jealousy, her going to turn the volume down and me going to open the door for him and whoever else might be there. Zack and Jared also accompanied him into the room, Steph taking one look at Jared, blushing furiously and pretending to fiddle with her iPod. I smirked and launched myself onto my bed, before rolling over and sitting up.

"What would you charming gentlemen like today then?" I asked, playfully winking at Zack, who chuckled, rolling his eyes. Spencer sat down beside me, smirked and leaned into me suggestively. I laughed and pushed him away, giving Zack a glance. He didn't look too angry by Spencer's actions, which I took to be a good thing. Jared simply rolled his eyes at his friends' actions and smiled at Steph, who smiled shyly back. Yep, something definitely happened between them last night.

"Well, in a truthful answer to your question," said Zack, with a meaningful glance at Spencer, who pretended to look innocent, "we've been planning a day out into London, as a whole group,"

Here, he gestured between Steph, himself and I and then at Jared and Spencer. I nodded, understanding what he meant, and smiled brightly.

"Hell yes! Shopping trip!" Steph shouted, giving me an air-high-five. I laughed.

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