Chapter 9: Clubs, Punishments and T-shirts...or lack thereof.

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After school I had to go back to my punishment. I headed down to the changing rooms in old clothes, carrying a mop and bucket. I decided to start on the girls', as the boy's probably smelt like BO. When I got there however, I saw him.

"What're you doing here?" I asked, setting down my mop and bucket and putting my hand on my hip, raising an eyebrow.

"Cleaning," replied Spencer nonchalantly. I rolled my eyes.

"No shit, Sherlock. I meant why aren't you doing the boys changing rooms?"

"'Cause I'd rather do you," he replied, smirking. It took me a moment to understand what he meant.

"EURGH!!! You pervert!" I shouted grabbing the soaking mop and shoving it in his face. SPLAT!! I started laughing hysterically at his disgusted and slightly miffed face, now sopping wet. So was his shirt.

"Ah, now, jess. You got my t-shirt wet!" he said feigning being upset. I rolled my eyes.

"So?" I replied, getting started cleaning.

"So, I can't continue wearing this, I'll get a chill. It is January," he said smirking. I looked up. Big mistake. He had set down his mop and was yanking his t-shirt off. I knew it was wrong, but I couldn't pull my eyes away from him. I didn't even see his face until he started talking to me.

"Enjoying the view?" he asked. I snapped my head up and almost immediately blushed.

"I d-don't know w-what you're talking about," I stuttered. I had an annoying habit of stammering when I was flustered or embarrassed. His smirk grew wider.

"Ooh yes you do," he said, taking a few steps closer to me. I continued to look into his eyes...not a good idea. Why couldn't I tear myself away from his eyes? "See? Now you're not looking because I caught you staring. So, I know you like me!" he said, taking more steps. He was now about a metre away from me.

"I DO NOT LIKE YOU!!" I shrieked, slightly flustered by how close he was getting without a shirt on. He smirked even wider.

"Don't be in denial, Jessie. You know you want me..." when he was a foot away from me, I couldn't control my panic anymore. I picked up my bucket, full of warm, soapy water, and threw it at him.

It was like a tidal wave had hit the girls' changing room - the floor was now sopping wet, but not as wet as Spencer. His face was priceless. Laughing hysterically as he decided he was better off with his t-shirt on, I took out my phone from my pocket and began taking pictures of him, completely drenched. Once I had finished, I tossed my phone on a bench and raised an eyebrow.

"A bit wet?" I asked him innocently. To my surprise, he smirked, and walked back to where he was before, picking up his own bucket. Then, once I realized what he was about to do, I ran, being careful not to scream. I was annoyed when he started running after me, still brandishing the bucket but being careful not to spill any. I dashed into the boys changing rooms, which, (predictably) smelt like BO, and locked myself in one of the shower blocks.

I heard him enter and say my name, to which I didn't reply, controlling my breathing. Then I heard someone else, a teacher, say his name.

"Richmond?" shit. Mrs Cole. She was inspecting our punishment, after all, she was the one who dealt it out in the first place. "Why are you soaking wet?"

"Well, you see, Jess decided that she was getting bored with the punishment and wanted to liven it up, so she soaked me with her water. But me, being the civilized individual I am, continued my work in here," I gaped, furious about what I was hearing. It was his fault we were here in the first place, and now this?

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