~ Alison DiLaurentis ~

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        "It's a beautiful day today, isn't it, girls?" Alison DiLaurentis asked with one of her signature, sickening sweet smiles. For some odd reason we all found ourselves nodding in agreement, even though the sky was dark and threatening rain.
        "Yeah, it's mellow. nice." Spencer said after a lingering silence. I adjusted my too-small bikini top I had worn for the occasion, frowning slightly. I looked up at Ali and felt a strange rush of confidence that i would've never expressed if I hadn't sipped from the wine coolers Alison had brought.
       "Not at all." I interjected. "It's cold, the sky is 50 shades of grey, and we're out in bathing suits to 'soak up the sun' even though the sun decided to take a hiatus." I said before my eyeS widened and slowly the heat creeped up into my cheeks. Somehow the confidence that cherry-lime drink had fizzled away and I was now left staring at the beautiful, frozen in shock, Alison DiLaurentis. But ever so slowly, her lips turned up in a smile and laughs spilled out of her as iff she was a shaken up coke bottle with mentos.
        "I knew there was a reason I invited you here." She said before taking a small sip of the alcoholic beverage. I wanted to curl up and blend into the shadows, because Alison DiLaurentis paying attention to you was already enough fuel for a mob at school. It's like when you see stars together and assume they're dating, their fame goes up according to the others amount of fame. And let's just say, Alison DiLaurentis is the top notch, best of the best, queen bee while I, Emily Fields, am apart of the lesser known, hometown band group. No one knows me, and I was perfectly fine keeping it that way. Admire from afar, was my motto, because there was no way i was getting close to Alison DiLaurentis, at least not until now. 
        "So, are you going to tell us why we're here?" Hanna asked timidly. Alison smiled as she turned her head towards Hanna.
        "I have been waiting for someone to ask." She said her smile growing. Aria scooted forward as Alison twisted the cap on her drink. "Well, it's simple really." 
        Spencer stood up and waked cautiously to the front Alison's chair. "I can't see the reason why you, Alison DiLaurentis would call us," She said surveying us all, "to hang out with you."
        "Well if it isn't as obvious than I thought then shame on me, I hate riddles. Anyways, you guys know about my falling out with the other girls." She said with disdain at the mention of her newly 'dead' friends. We silently nodded in unison, before goofy smiles overtook our faces. 
        "Naomi and Riley, right?" Aria asked quietly as the smiles dissolved. Alison's eyes widened.
        "You're not allowed to say their names!" Alison hissed. "They're like Voldemort!" I smiled as the giggles escaped my throat and floated out into the air. I wasn't laughing because what she said was funny, I was laughing at my admiration of her even knowing who Voldemort was. "Anyways the point is, that I am in the market for new friends."
        "And you called us..?" Aria asked, confused.
        "Yeah, duh." Alison said with a look of pure amusment. "I mean, you guys seemed pretty cool when we hung out after the church thing."
        "The charity drive?" Spencer said with an amused smirk.
        "Yeah that old thing." Alison said, waving it away with her free hand.
        "But we're.... nobodies." I said quietly, afraid to make eye contact with Alison.
        "No, you're sombodies, and sombodies that I want to hang out with." Alison said with a smile. I couldn't help but grow a matching smile, but the brightness of her smile was unbeatable. It was as if she was sent down from the heavens to bestow beauty onto the world, and she was doing it perfectly. She was the girl guys wanted to date and girls wanted to be. Heck most girls would probably date her if they got the chance. But as much as everyone worshipped her, no one knew her. they knew she had a brother, and who he was, they knew her mom and her dad, they never were given the chance to know her.We were lucky enough to have this chance to really know Alison DiLaurentis that hundreds of people would kill for. We were lucky, four girls and I were lucky to be chosen by the one and only Alison DiLaurentis to be her friends. Who cares if in a day, or a week, she decides we aren't cool and she ditches us. We still got to spend a day, or a week, with her. It's more than anyone could ever hope- dream- of. 
        "Well I'll call you guys, okay?" Ali said as she stood up. "I hope we are all the best of friends."

So i wanted a break from all the agh, so here is just a flashy back thing teehee

Also i just ah this is the fourth time i wrote this chapter, each other time i wrote it my laptop re-started with me forgetting to save, and ahhhh

I hope it's good seeing as i went through so much trouble to write it

its 12:30 on a sunday- OH CRAP- HAPPY EASTER (if you celebrate easter)

but i really don't want to go to school tomorrow ~ Comment what grade you're in/ your favorite subject to make me feel better pls :3 also  what do you people think of the finale??

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