Last but not Least

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I closed my mind and instantly the images were shoved against my eyelids, forcing me to relive the moment over and over. Six months have passed since I ventured out to the kissing rock and confronted 'A'. Sixth months have passed since I lost the love of my life.
"Emily.. what do you remember." The officer asked quietly.
"I.. I don't know. Its fuzzy." Lies. Every moment is etched into my brain in perfect detail.
"We're trying to figure out what happened to your friend, Emily. You need to corporate." She replied.
"Do you want to know what happened? The love of my life was murdered. She was killed directly in front of my eyes." I sneered, hot salty tear rolling down my face.
"Yes, we are under the assumption that the perpetrator is Wren Kingston. Are we wrong?" She asked.
"No. You are correct. Wren.. he stabbed her in the gut. He was smiling." I whispered. "He dropped her, he walked towards me. I didn't have a choice. He was going to kill me."
"Emily, last night you suffered a loss. Not only the love of your life or a trusted town doctor, you lost your innocent hands. You have Wrens blood on your hands, and not most people can handle that. Im here if you need to talk, you're free to go. "

My eyes refocused and I realized I was standing in front of a crowd of people looking to honor Ali's memory. Why had I been tasked at the eulogy? Why was I forced to remember Alison when her memory was killing me?
"Alison DiLaurentis. " Her name was bitter rolling off my tongue. A million images flashed through my mind, her smile, her laugh, her lips on mine. I regained my composure and wiped my eyes. I searched the crowd and Locked eyes with Hanna and Spencer. They smiled encouragingly and I took a deep breath. "She died a hero."

Okay so its over! Im sorry for the level of shit this story turned out to be. Im sorry for my horrible updating patterns and lack of plotline. Im sorry for this book in general. I hope you enjoyed it and please I love you idk ah

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