Its all over now... Hopefully pt.2

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Have you ever gotten a message from a secret admirer, and thought it was so cute and awesome and nice, and you wanted to know who it came from? But that's the thing about secret admirers. They're secret. You won't ever know of it was Jim or Tyler who thought your eyes sparked brighter than the sun, you'll never be able to thank them because they were too shy to tell you. You're left in the dark, wondering if Mason or Simon thought your hair was beautiful. Every kid who smiles at you will make you wonder, is this the guy? And then, maybe a few years later he'll ask you to prom, and tell you that he was the secret admirer. Once you knew it was Bob, what did you feel? What are you supposed to feel? Well, I've been in that situation for years, only instead of compliments I've been getting death threats. And now I finally know who has been behind the screen the hole time, and all I feel is empty. A hollow hole inside where I kept A, and the messages, and my story. An empty whole where I held Aria, one of my closest friends. It's easy how life changes, one day you're cruising through life without a care and then you're scared every time your phone vibrates and your jingle plays. Its funny, I guess you can say, because I thought life would be a breeze. I thought everything would be handed to me and id end up with 3 kids and Noel Kahn on my arm.
"I got Paige to ruin Ali's pumpkins and leave a note, although I didn't tell her to write what she did. She had her own agenda that I didn't know about. " Arias voice yanked me from my thoughts and my chest filled with a crippling feeling of sadness and hurt. Every time I closed my eyes my eyelids were attacked with visions of A notes and Aria and I talking and I felt like I might collapse of I wasn't squeezing Emily's hand. "I mainly sent texts, while Paige did the dirty work, she attacked you on Halloween and obviously, tried to kill you."
"Why didn't you tell us it was Paige the whole time?!" Spencer asked loudly, biting back tears. "We trusted her! Emily freaking dated her!! She was right there with us... oh god, the Halloween train!" Spencer was yelling and she stopped trying to prevent the tears from spilling down her cheeks.
"How many times do I have to apologize?!" Aria exclaimed.
"More than that!" Spencer replied. "Aria! Answer!"
"Because I'd have to tell you how I knew. I couldn't bear to lose any of you too! I thought Ali died.. part of me.. a dark part of me was relieved. I needed all of you because you kept that part tucked away, and then when I found out Ali was alive.. I couldn't believe it. I was elated that I could finally right the wrong I made years ago." Aria said quietly.
"Aria..." I whispered, a tear falling slowly down the side of my face.
"I called paige and told her I wanted back. I made the plan to catch Ali, but I guess she didn't trust me because she also kidnapped Spencer and I, but I wanted to catch Paige. I want to fix my mistakes." Aria continued.
"Thats it." Spencer said, abruptly standing up. "I can't take anymore of this sob story. You ruined my life. I will never forgive you." She sneered. She turned and walked briskly out of the room while Arias lip quivered. Hanna stood up and left without glancing back at Aria.
"I'm sorry, Aria. I just.. this is too much for me." said before standing up. Emily got up with me and she put a steadying arm around me as we left, leaving Aria alone with the frizzy-haired Detective.

So this is also kinda eh, but I wanted to post something so I whipped this up real quick. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and vote and blah blah
Love you people, stay awesome and happy Tuesday... so empty without PLL :(

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