Chapter 10

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This might not be as good or anything,  but since it's thanksgiving,  I wanted to post this chapter. In the comments tell me what your thankful for! I am thankful for all of the readers of this book, love you all! ♡♡♡♡♡♡

Hanna a swung the door open and hurried inside. My eyes scanned the room until I saw Ali.

"Ali!" I exclaimed as she looked up with tear filled eyes. I rushed over and wrapped my arms around her. She winced, motioning to Aria. I looked at her and then at Ali-s tear stained face. My mouth fell open a little before I scooted closer to Aria.

"Is... is she.." I said,  trailing off. I couldn't even finish this statement. For years I'd been surrounded by death, and now the thought of Aria.. gone, cause me to shut down. I looked up at Spencer,  who was hiding in the shadows.

"Yes." Ali whispered. I stammered as I backed away. This couldn't be happening. I shook my head before looking at Ali. She shut her eyes sadly. Oh god.

"W-who did this?" I asked angrily. Ali looked up with a start before the sorrow in her eyes deepened.

"You're not going to like it." Alison said. I balled my hands into fists.

"Who is it?!" I demanded.

"Paige." Spencer finally spoke up. I gasped slightly and fell against the wall.

"Spencer...?" Melissa caled out.

"Oh my god!" Ali exclaimed.

I don't remember what happened. I remember a hoodie. It was black. They hit me in the head. Everything had gone black.

I can hear voices. Emily's? I strained to open my eyes.

"Aria?" Alison exclaimed. I tried to sit up, but everything spun.

"What.. what happened?" I asked. Emily laughed quietly and her arms waved around. Hanna walked in and smiled.

Okay sorry for it being so horrible.  It is thanksgiving so comment and vote! Love you all!

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