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The cold air hit my face with an intensity as I walked (not so) swiftly down the empty streets. My knees wobbled and I tried to process what this meant because lets face it, this is all wrong. This was for the greater good, granted our method could've been a little more, traditional, we- I - didn't want anything like this. She snatched the game right out from under me without me even realizing. She was the enemy, and everyone had to see that, right? I shut my eyes and froze.
"Isn't it a little late for a precious gem like you to be wandering the streets?" A taunting voice sounded from behind me, causing me to stop in my tracks. "Big A."
"I thought you were in jail, Paige." I said as I turned to face her.
"I had some... unfinished business." She replied with a devious smirk.
"Hmm. Let me guess, Emily?" I said with an amused laugh. "She hates you. She'll never give you the light of day, gosh, I'd be surprised if she took the time to spit on you, or glance disgustedly at you from afar."
"Hmm, that's probably true, but then again, we're in the same predicament." She said with a sickening sweet smile. "Anyways.." She continued ignoring my attempt at an interjection. "She will speak to me because I found a little blonde that'l help me catch her attention."
My head snapped up and I gasped. "You're going to use Ali... as blackmail?" I asked with a frown.
"Well, that's the gist." Paige replied. I shut my eyes to steady my breathing before i looked up at her.
"I started his to help Ali. Not hurt her, not hurt Emily or Spencer. I didn't want to hurt anyone. You did that, you hurt Emily all on your own and she'll never forgive you. She may hear- or pretend to- you out because you have the absolute love of her life in your grubby hands, but she'll never forgive you. Let alone love you." I growled before I watched Paige's face contort with rage.
"You don't know anything, Aria!" She snarled. "I love Emily and she loves me back. I know it, it doesn't matter what i did because she fell for me like boom and i just... The game is mine now. I own it, I own you, I own Ali. Hell, I own Emily. She will love me, even if she doesn't want to."
My eyes widened and I and without thinking my arm shot out and I slapped her. Paige's head whipped back and her face whitened in shock.
"You bitch." She growled as she held her face with her hand.
"Whats wrong, A? Can't take a slap?" I said with a cruel smirk. "How dare you talk about Emily like that. Your existence here is miserable and I hope Emily spits on you or beats you up again. I hope rot in jail for the rest of your pitiful excuse of a life."
"Oh, Aria, I simply can't wait until i get to have fun with you. I guess I can start now?" She whispered before she pulled her arm to hit me. I pulled back as my eyes widened.
"Come on you bi-polar bitch! I have things to do, people to see!" Ali's shaky voice reached my ears in the silence. Paige looked up with a smirk before backing away slowly.
"I wish I could say this has been a pleasure- but it hasn't. And I have things to do, people to see." She said before turning.
"No!" I shouted. "I won't let you do this."
"Then try and stop me." She said with a shrug. I shut my eyes and internally screamed. I hated her, I hated this, I hated myself. This is all my fault. If I had just let Ali continue being herself, none of this would've happened. I opened my eyes and took a deep breath before running forward at full speed.. I pushed Paige to the ground and smirked.
"I stopped you."
"Oh yeah?" She whispered before pushing me off of her and rolling on top of me. She hit my nose, and then my eye as she smirked. I shut my eyes and prayed to god that Ali came to her senses and left before the police came.

Okay sorry for the wait and obviously i changed the name of this book and yes yes yes sorry this is horrible...

So I am going to end this soon, sadly, and after that I'm going to go back and re-write some chapters that i don't like, and when I'm done I'll post the names of the ones I did change in a chapter.

I am horrile at fights and stuff so sorry but tell me what you think? I wanted Aria to be bad, but still good. if ya know what I mean.

Listen to the song because it's my absolute favorite ever in the world, and It's kinda on a level Emison. Especially in regards to the show, a love that isn't exactly accepted by their peers. (I mean I wouldn't want my friend with A!)

Tel me what you think of the show, Is Ali a? Whatt do you think?

Also it may be wrong but I ship Jashley so much and I wrote a little fluff piece and i was watching the episode last night and noticing the parallels and i guessed this guys name on the originals like he was standing there and I was like "Joe" and he said "Joe" I think I'm psychic.



love you!!

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