Ch. 13

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I wanted to be happy, I did. But ever since Ali stared at that "news article" I've had a feeling. How many times had we used the same line? Too many, so shouldn't I of all people see the reasons behind the mask of terror that covered Ali's beautiful features? The cops had dragged Paige kicking and screaming into her cell, but who's to say there's more then one A? The car ride was short and silent, and the silence was way too loud. Was that too Taylor Swift? I don't care, the only thing I care about right now is Alison.

"Emily..." Ali whispered as we walked to the door. "I know you, you're not yourself. I just... I didn't mean to lie. I was just so used to hiding everything. "

"It's okay, Alison. I've lied about A messages to everyone I care about. But I just assumed that you, being someone who's run relentlessly from A, would understand that we're on the same page. You don't have to hide it from me." I said, looking at her glistening eyes.

"I almost died at the hands of A, so I-"

"So have we!" I exclaimed. "I've had countless targets on my back." I said quielty.

"I thought A was gone. I thought for one single moment, that I could be happy. Truly happy. " She whispered vehemently.

"Oh god." I whispered. "As long as you are here and I am with you, we can be happy. As much as A tries to tear us apart, we stick together." I said as Ali wiped a tear that slid down her face.

"Okay, maybe I was being selfish, because I thought that after the official buzz of me being alive wore off, that you'd run back to Paige." Ali whispered. "And then she was A, and then she was in jail. I began to doubt things especially after the message."

"I love you! I love you so much I can't control myself, I loose myself to you and I can't understand why you can't accept happiness."

"Because we're in Rosewood! If it's not A, its something!" Alison exclaimed.

"And that's why we have eachother." I whispered. Ali frowned and held her head.

"Emily, I love you too. I just don't want this ruined." She mummered. I ran over and grabbed her hands.

"Can we just drop this?" I asked. Ali looked up and smiled.

"Yes please." She said. I wrapped my arm around her and walked slowly to Hanna's door.  I watched each step I took, too many words flying through my mind. I want to just continue but, is it wrong to be sad? ? My girlfriend- ex girlfriend- had been tormenting my friends and I for god knows how long, and I'm just supposed to accept that and move on? I want to be with Ali, I love her so much, but I still see Paige's snarl in my mind. Her glare as she watched me process.

It's funny how this all turned out. Lose a lover gain one. But Ali just wasn't a lover... somehow I knew that she'd come back for me, I never stopped loving her, and now she did. She was my everything and I intend to keep it that way.


We were all sitting on Hanna's bed when it happened. I could almost forget the fact that an hour or two earlier I was tied up in some cellar, or the words that flashed through my mind when it was quiet around me. I was almost happy. But there was always this lingering feeling. As long as I was here, or Paige was roaming, the girls- Emily- would never be safe. I should've never came back. I put them all in danger the second I revealed myself to them on Halloween.  I didn't mean to, but thats what I do. I wreck things. But I also intentionally think of reasons to bail. I felt a small vibration in my pocket while the girls were chatting. I knew I wasn't the same, but they weren't either. They were closer now. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and unlocked it, and to my terror, I saw a text from a unknown number.

Come to the spot where it all began or Emily pays the price.

I shut my eyes tight before shoving my phone back in m pocket.

"Ali? Are you alright?" Hanna asked worridley. I shook my head.

"Just a headache. I guess the fight from earlier is just catching up to me." I lied quietly. "I'm just going to take a quick walk." I said before rushing out. I looked over my shoulder at Emily's conflicted face before I ran out.
where it all began...

That could be anywhere. The church, the school, my house...

My backyard where I was buried for a short time. I wrapped Emily's jacket tighter around me as I rushed to my house.

This might actually end... wether it's me or A, that is still unknown.

Happy new years!
I hope you liked this chapter and I hope you had an AmAzing holiday

This will be coming to an end soon and I will probably screw it up, I'm horrible at endings and blah blah blah

I'm most likely going to rewrite Weird Little Liars book or whatever I named it and condense it but I'll post it on  around Wednesday or later
If you're interested my name is: PolarSquirrel

Also I feel like doing a collab PLL book so if your interested in that pm me because you should

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