Here's to Hoping

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The walk to the car was short and silent, during which, Ali casted several glances my way. The closer we got the car, the harder it was to ignore the numb hole that had grown in my chest, so i gripped Alison's hand harder with every step. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Ali squirming in my grip, but i couldn't bring myself to let go of her hand, because if i let go my facade of being strong would crumble and i'd fall apart.

"Em..." Ali's strong voice that sounded small pulled me from my thoughts.

"Mhm?" Was all I could manage to choke out without letting the sobs control me.

"You were so quiet in there, and I know this hurt you alot more than you're letting it show. You don't have to be strong for me." She replied. After a few silent minutes I let out a sob and fell back against the empty car and slid to the ground.

"I can't... I don't want to believe that Aria... our best friend is the reason for all of this." I said quietly. "I thought she was one of the few people i could actually trust, and i just keep waking up and hoping this is all a dream. But it's not. I wake up everyday and remember that it's real, and its hell."
"But thats why we fight! We fight so one day we can wake up and not dread the upcoming day. So we can live normal lives without looking over our shoulders at every turn." Ali said, grabbing both of my hands and pulling them towards her.
"But im so tired of fighting." I breathed. "I want to be able to live a normal life without jumping every time my phone chimes."
"And we can have that. We will. But we need to stick together and shiz" Ali said with a childish gleam in her eyes as she slid down beside me.
"Its just... its so hard, you know?" I said quietly, leaning into Ali's side.
"I do." Ali replied with a faraway look. After a few seconds she wrapped her arm around me and kissed my head lightly.


"VISITOR FOR ARIA MONTGOMERY! " A guard shouted before the room was filled with beeping and whirring. After a few minutes I heard the clanging of chains enter the room, my eyes shot up and widened at the sight.
"What a nice surprise." Aria said as she sat and her chains tugged at her wrists. "Its only been a few days and I already feel the crazies."
"Im not here for you." I said quietly, avoiding looking at her sullen face. "Well I am, but im here for me also. I just need to understand."
"Im an open book." She said, leaning back, well as much as she could after the officer secured her chains with the table.
"Why. Why would you betray us all, this whole time? And for Paige, after what she did." I asked. Arias face clouded and she shifted uncomfortably in her seat.
"How many times do I have to tell you? " she asked, a shake in her voice. "How many times do I have to apologize?!"
"I don't want to hear your sob story, I want to hear why!" I said a little too loud, causing the guards hand to shift towards his weapon.
"I've told you!!!" Aria exclaimed. "What else do you want?!"
"ANSWERS!" I shouted. "I WANT ANSWERS! "
"I gave you all of the answers I have." She said calmly.
"Whatever." I said standing up. "I knew I should've never came here."
"Its not over. " Aria whispered. "He'll come for you. For all of you. "
"Aria? " I questioned, sitting back down.
"He'll tear you apart from the Inside out."
"He? Aria, i thought Paige was A.." I said quietly. Suddenly Aria started laughing uncontrollably. She laughed so hard she fell out of her chair and was hanging from her chains. "ARIA?" I exclaimed as she started convulsing and her head hit the table. Blood fell down the leg as the officer dragged me away from the room.

But sorry for the foreverness of not updating and the horribleness of this part but ugh. Ill try harder to update now that its SUMMER VACATION OMG YUS I LOVE YOU ALL

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