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A pretty sort of aching

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A pretty sort of aching.....


Kahoko bent her torso forward, aligning herself in a braced position, as the wind swiped her hair around. She clutched the accelerator, speeding up. Rika had her arms wound loosely around her, not in the least bit bothered by the ferocious speed at which she was going.

"Thanks by the way!" she yelled over the strong wind.

"Huh?!" Rika shouted back.

"I said thank you!!!" Kaho yelled. Rika hummed in acknowledgement. A companionable silence reigned for a few moments.

"So... the lilac haired boy huh?" Rika suddenly mumbled in Kaho's ear, causing the bike they were riding to swerve. Kaho cussed, while Rika laughed.

"What is it with you people! Every one! Every single person keeps teasing me about him!!" Kaho growled, annoyed, as she remembered the incessant teasing she received about Mitsuya, from Baji, Haru, her mom, her aunt and

"Even Shimizu teases me!!! I mean he's never done that before! It's daily thing at home now!" she rambled.

Rika threw her head back and guffawed loudly.

"You can't blame them Kaho! They've had precious little to tease you with! I mean you've had like zero boyfriends! So when a pretty one does come along, and you do happen to so much as second glance at him, they're bound to tease you!"

Kahoko sighed, unable to argue with the ever pragmatic first division head.

"What's the time?" she asked instead.

The sun had long set and Tokyo city looked like a lit up night club, decked in neon lights, lanterns or draped in fairy lights. They had spent quite some time riding around the city, clearing her cluttered mind. They'd also dropped in at Rika's newly bought thrifty apartment and guzzled down a few bottles of coke, before taking off again. But the mental decluttering had come at the cost of her arriving later than her brothers at the mall.

"Um... 8:00PM?" Rika mumbled nonchalantly.

Kaho cussed again, and sped forward, faster.

"It's a good thing atleast you know you're way about here..." she muttered, as Rika pointed her hand towards the right, while they paused at an intersection.

The green light had barely flicked on before Kaho had taken off again.


The familiar humming of the engine was soothing, and muscle memory forced her to take her mind off the vehicle she was riding, and pushed her into the crevices of the past. As she trudged on, she saw shards of her once happy, now broken past.

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