Who Are You?

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Who are you?

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Who are you?


It is said that when you are willing to shine a light upon someone else's darkness and make it retreat, you are reborn as a hero.

Atleast that's what they say when children, after their daily dose of batman and spiderman on TVs, declare aloud that they too want to superheroes. They tell you that to be a superhero, you won't, don't need a cape, you just need to be worried about others and be there for them. Because that proves that they love, that they care. 

At the end of the day, isn't that the secret weapon of every superhero?

When you will yourself to shine light upon someones else's darkness and make it retreat, you are a hero.

At the moment, Baji could care less about being a hero and more about getting to his sister before trouble did.  And if the looks on Kali and Rika were anything to go by, whatever 'fight' the terrified boy had spoken off was trouble in bold red capitals.  

Terrifying images kept popping in his mind, making him feel more and more anxious by the passing minute. Worry seemed to have given him wings, for he was at the very front, only behind Kali, who he used as his GPS. 

Hakkai, seated behind Mitsuya sneezed. 

"Are you okay?" Mitsuya enquired over the whistling wind. 

"Okay" Hakkai responded.

We aren't wearing the type of clothes suited for this, thought Mitsuya, none of us are, except for maybe Draken. Just then, a bike quite near to them, started inching closer and closer until they were almost parallel. 

"Shiba-san, please take this", said Karuta holding out a bundle with her right hand, the other slung around Narumi's waist as she matched Mitsuya's pace. Mitsuya wondered what Hakkai would do. He was immensely shy around females of all age, and more often than not, his reserved attitude came out more like rudeness. Mitsuya glanced at Karuta observing her quiet profile, the deadpan expression on her face. 

Well, that look can only be matched by Hakkai's own, Mitsuya laughed to himself, as he watched the teenager in his rearview mirror. The tense way he stretched out his hand, his indigo eyes timidly looking at the rose haired girl as he nodded his thanks.  She nodded back, before Narumi backed away into whatever formation they were riding in.

Up front, Baji yelled out to Kali, asking how much far away this place where the supposed fight was to be taking place. Kali replied with a bellow of her own, stating that it wasn't that far. Sure enough, after racing for fifteen more minutes, the bikes began slowing down to a more homo sapien friendly pace. Then Kali veered to a stop spraying up dust in her wake. In almost the same minute, Baji had followed her movements and had stopped his own bike and in half a minute was out and striding after her. 

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