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What happens when Rika tried to feed Kahoko some nourishment soup.


"Jeez guys it's just a freaking wound, stop tensing so much about it!", Kaho exclaimed for the umpteenth time. 

The white haired girl looked up at her with tears falling from her amber eyes.

"Kaho-chan....", she mumbled.

Kahoko pinched the bridge of her nose, trying not to get annoyed at the mob of kids surrounding her bed as she lay against the pillows.

"I'll repeat this for the last damn time. I'm perfectly fine, and I'm really sorry I caused you so much worry. Truly!" she emphasised.

The throng looked slightly appeased, before it could go any further, Kali appeared and scooped a boy who squealed and giggled.

"Alright you nutcrackers have exactly five seconds to clear out before I go dragon mode" she growled into the boys tummy. With squeals and yells and giggles the crowd rushed out. Kali put down the boy who instead of leaving simply sat next to Kaho.

"Thank Hell!" Kaho breathed out.

"Thank God you mean" Rika said as she strode in with Baji, Mitsuya and Mikey. 

Kaho flashed a grin at her, "Nah I mean Hell. God is too..."

"Good for us" Kali smirked. Kaho snickered softly. At least up until she noticed the unimpressed look that Rika wore on her face. She held out the tray of soup towards the girl and the brown-haired girl immediately scrunched her nose, leaning awy from it.

"No" she said firmly,

"Yes" Rika replied equally firmly.

"No. no. no. no." 

"Yes Kaho. Pepper doesn't bite"

"I still hate it sorry"

Rika growled. "Eat. Now." Baji cleared his throat unsurely. Rika turned her glare on him. "Kitchen. Marble cabinet. Top drawer."

"Eh" he asked unsurely.

"Cough drops" she growled at him, eliciting sniggers from Kali and Kaho.

"You did not just verbally drop kick my brother, Rika" Kaho said with a straight face. Rika looked like she didn't care if she had. She ladled out a spoonful of soup and forcefully thrust it into Kaho's still laughing mouth. The unexpected move made the brunette accidentally swallow the fluid, but made her splutter and cough and clutch her throat frantically.

Kali smirked, "Behold the great the captain of the Zion, a baby who can't handle black pepper"

Kaho glared at the girl between coughs and kicked out, Kali skipped out of her way but tripped and fell onto Baji who was nearby. Baji tried to catch her, but then they both went toppling over.


"Gah! Gerrof off me woman!"

"I'm trying you twit! I just can't what with my arms pinned under you and all"

Squeals of laughter came from the bed where the small boy and Kaho were almost in tears taking in the situation of the two spitfires on the ground. Even Rika looked bemused.

Mitsuya and Chifuyu bent down to help and somehow got the two up on their feet, but still glaring daggers at each other.

"No witty comments from you bitch" Kali stared down Kaho who snickered, winked at the boy and lay back down. The boy promptly snuggled closer to her.

"Where do you think you're getting comfortable with?! Finish the damn soup!" Rika thundered. Kaho jolted with a scowl. Rika scowled back even fiercer. Kaho stuck out her tongue and then in a swift move she was out of her bed and racing past Rika.

Rika took a moment to process, but then with an angry roar, "GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE YOU LITTLE IMP!!!!", she was after Kaho.

Laughing boldly, Kaho leaped at Chifuyu twirling him around with her for a moment and then letting him go so he went crashing into Rika and they became of jumble of 'oof's and 'what the-'s. By this time Kaho had dived behind Mitsuya and clutching his shoulder and guiding him, she made him her shield as Rika growled and swiped at her, trying to catch her.

Mitsuya just stood there, too stunned that not only was his crush so close to him, she was also touching him.
Hell! He could feel her breath against his neck. She suddenly pulled him back, as Rika lunged forward. Ofcourse that made the blue haired girl trip on her own feet. Mitsuya fell straight into Kaho's arms.

Mitsuya's eyes widened. Now she was basically hugging him from behind, his back against her breasts.

Soft, he thought and immediately blushed hard.

Kaho was still laughing at her older friend, in his ear.

"C'mon Riks you're more than trippy feet riiiiiight?"



"Kali help me catch her!"

"......" (Kali)

"......" (Rika)

"......Kali..." Rika growled.

"How come I don't get paid for this shit?" Kali sighed as she turned towards Kaho resignedly. She lunged forward, but Kaho dodged both of them. She was fleet footed and deft, nipping out of their way with her quicksilver moves. Finally, she skidded across the room, grabbed the boy who was watching everything with a huge smile upon his thin face and then leaping on to the wide open french window, and swiftly jumping out, kid and all.

"Kahoko Baji. I. Will. Fucking. End. You. TODAY!!!!" Rika screeched.

"That was the second floor!!!" Came from Baji, with alarm and panic.

"You'd think she'd just give up. It's just a bowl of Mama duck Rika's soup, nothing posh" said Kali with a shrug. Immediately, amber eyes swivelled onto her.

"What did you say?!?!!!"

"Oops. Did I say that aloud? Well time for me to go yoohooo!" Kali said quickly, as she took a leaf out of her leader's book and followed suit, jumping out the window.

"It's still the second floor!" Baji yelped. 

"Damn brats!" Rika mumbled furiously. 


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