Welcome to Den Noona

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My name is Lola, author of this collection of words, and I'm here to welcome you to your next favorite book (hopefully).

This is the first book that I've ever published, it's my first born and I love it SO much, even if it is a little cringey. This little intro I'm adding comes 6 months after the book's completion but I believe it's necessary to add it due to many of the comments I've received on this book.

First off, I want to sincerely thank everyone who have read and will read this book in its entirety. A lot of people will not make pass the first 5 chapters and that is completely okay, I still thank you for trying to give it a chance 😊. I understand this is not everyone's cup of tea.

Secondly, I want to encourage you to comment. I love hearing how different people have different views of the same subject. I love reading your reactions, to sad parts, funny parts, sexy parts and especially the WTF parts. Whether I agree or disagree I like to leave the interpretations to the reader so DON'T BE A SILENT READER!

Third, the female protagonist is BLACK... do with that information what you will but be warned ignorance is not tolerated.

Fourth, this book contains lots of smut/sex scenes but there is a story here. I simply chose to give you some of the good stuff up front but because I can 😝. These characters are consenting adults with healthy sexual appetites so if that makes you uncomfortable I recommend you stop here and leave this book now.

Fifth, if you're re-reading this book after September 2021 you may notice some minor changes (and if you're reading it for the very first time you will notice nothing different). While I didn't change the story itself at all, I did change up some wording, added something here or took something there to make it a little more palatable.

Sixth, ENJOY! It's a fictional story that's meant to entertain and that's it.

Happy reading!!

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