Chapter 10: Crystalized Family (Part 1)

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I grunted and stretched my arms into the air upon waking up.

"It's morning already..? time to work, then."

I left my bed and head to the bathroom.

Inside, I take off my clothes and stand under the shower.


I said.

The shower automatically turns itself on and shower me with warm water.

I did my bath like usual until I am all done.

I simply walk away and the shower turns off by itself.

I grab the towel along the way and dry myself up before returning to the bedroom.

Back in the bedroom, I walk to the wardrobe and open it.

Inside, I have tons of butler uniforms lining up.

I grab one random uniform from the line and close the wardrobe.

I take off the towel around my waist, wear my underwear, and finally my butler uniform.

When I finish, I look at myself in the mirror to check on do I look.

My necktie off a little bit, I fix it right away.

"Looks better."

I smile and walked out of my bedroom.

Outside, the other butlers already begin their morning activity, all walking in the same direction.

"Morning, Hans."

A gentle voice greets me.

I turn to the owner of the voice and meet his gaze.

It was Vert, he's a fellow butler and the same age as me.

He's was originally born and raised in Germany, but then begin working here in the Sakura Empire.

Which explains the blue eyes and blonde hair he has.

"Good morning to you too, Vert."

I smile and greet him back.

"You're going? let's go together."

Vert invited me.

"Sure, we're heading in the same direction anyway."

I accept his invitation and begin walking together.

"How are you feeling? getting used to the job already?"

Vert asks.

"There are still few things that I do not fully understand yet, but I give my best."

I just arrived here not too long ago from Japan.

A fire broke out at the apartment building where I live, many, including me, lost all of our belongings and family.

The Sakura- no... Miss Aoi just so happen to be around when she visit japan.

She lends us help in the form of money, food, and temporary shelter.

She did not know any of us, yet she give everything she can to help us, we owe our life to her.

She even offers us jobs as servants in her household here in the Sakura Empire, which many of us happily apply for.

I am one of those people.

Miss Aoi kindness aspire me, I will give everything in my power to serve her and her family.

Even though I am yet getting used to the job.

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