Chapter 11: Crystalized Family (Part 2)

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*Hans POV*

"Welcome back home, miss Yuki! miss Freya! miss Rei!"


"Welcome back home, miss Yuki! miss Freya! miss Rei!"

"I can't hear you!!"

"Welcome back home, miss Yuki! miss Freya! miss Rei!"

"You call that a welcoming greet!?"

"Welcome back home, miss Yuki! miss Freya! miss Rei!"

I keep on screaming over and over again.

After the announcement, we split into multiple groups.

The first group focus on cooking and preparing the meal.

The second group focus on the prompt, decorations, arrangement, and cleaning.

The third group focus on greeting and welcoming.

If it isn't obvious already by now, I follow the latter group.

We're practicing our greetings on the port, noises of seagulls, waves, and ships echos in the air.

We have been practicing our greetings over and over again.

My throat feels dry and hurts from constant yelling and lack of drinking water.

"Hey, you, flea over there!"

The senior butler suddenly shouts.

His voices come from the other side and loud, they attract so much attention.


"You're the twerp that pisses miss Aoi this morning, right?!" "Let me hear your greeting!"

The senior yelled at the young butler, it was the same person from this morning.

"Y-yes! g-g-good morn-!"

"Who told you to say good morning, huh!?"

The senior brings his face closer to the young butler and glares at him from point-blank.

"You twerp can't even do a simple salute, huh?! no wonder you and your family are born with such low status! you're a disgrace from birth- no! before you even born!" "Incompetence like you should never even be born in the first place! you're nothing but an eyesore!"

The senior keep on hurling insult after insult at the young butler.

"I am sorry! I am so sorry!"

The young butler apologize, over and over again, he was on the verge of crying.

All of us watch what happens and it getting more and more difficult to watch.

Do I need to steps in? but even if I did, what possibly can I do?

Incompetence is bad, I agree, but to use someone's weakness to pressure them like this...

Before I can think much, my body begins moving by itself.

I took a step and Vert immediately stops me.

He grabs my right arm tightly, not wanting me to go.


Vert shakes his head in disagreement.


I try to reasons with him.

"Even if you go, what can you do? you will only get yourself bullied, just like him." "It's sad, but he's the perfect example of how trivial we're." "We're but a servant, we can easily be replaced by anyone at any time and without warning."

Grimson: Blue FutureΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα