Chapter 16: Crystalized Family (Part 7)

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*Aoi POV*

"Sure, come in, Skadi."

I permit and welcome her in.

"Thank you~"

Skadi thanked me and walk closer to the bed.

Skadi soon enters the bed and she glues herself and leans on my right arm.

"I was worried that I am ruining your fun and won't be welcomed~"

Skadi looks at me in the eyes with an angelic smile on her face.

"Even if I refuse, you have no intention to leave anyway, at least not empty-handed." "Especially after you stalk us after we left the hot spring."

I shrug off her "gentle" approach and expose her lies.

"Oh my oh my I am busted~"

Skadi expression takes a drastic shift.

Her angelic smile is replaced by a grin of a maniac.

The light in Skadi eyes disappears, there's nothing in her eyes but madness and insanity.

Skadi is insane but I love her.

I love everything about her the same way I love everything about Rosse.

"We're just about to get to the main course, pleasure me with your play, Skadi-"

Before I can finish my sentence, Skadi shoves a two-sided cock shaped sex toy with straps at me.

"You forgot this~"

Skadi grin as she hands me over the toy.

"...Oh, right.. thank you, Skadi."

I thank her and take the toy.

Before each of our play, we would usually bring the toy with us.

Today we just so happen to get so excited about it that we forgot to bring it.

"I have something else better."

Rosse said as she woke up from the bed.

Rosse click her fingers and the ceiling above us split open.

A pair of mechanical arms slowly emerge from the ceiling and hand over something resembling an empty syringe with a glass tube to Rosse.

"What's that?"

I curiously ask.

"Nothing special, just a simple syringe~"

Rosse cheerfully answers me.

"You see, I did my research on how for us girls to produce sperms on our ~" "I conduct tons of experiments to achieve that and I finally arrive at one~"

Rosse explains while spinning the syringe in her hand like a cowboy spinning his gun.

"By extracting the stem cells, I can nurture them into a fully grown sperms cell in a matter of days and I believe I do not have to explain the rest~"

Rosse cheerfully said with a wide smile on her face.

"..I see, as expected of Rosse, you always came up with the weirdest invention ever."

Skadi praises Rosse and rests her chin on her right hand.

"Why, thank you~"

Rosse cheerfully accepts the Skadi praise and is proud of her latest invention.

"Well, what do you say, Aoi~?"

Skadi looks at me with curiosity in her eyes.

She sounds interested to see where this might be going.

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