14. Clandestine

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Drupada raised an eyebrow at the eldest of his fire-born children who pursed his lips, looking away. The father looked torn between exasperation and pride— for the genius little trouble hampers had almost scared the living daylights out of him. Yes, yet again.

“When was this?”

“Around the time when she was seventeen- something . . . four years ago if I'm not mistaken,” Dhrishtadyumna told rubbing the Venus mount of his left palm as the paused screen fashioned of a mirage cleared from the vague once again to play the memory. The Nyaya Sabha of Panchala heard crickets chirping for a few seconds as the royals of Shakraprastha and Dvaravati besieged its paths too, anticipation racing in their veins.

“Oh, fierce one,” Devaki smiled with a hint of cheek, glimpsing at the illusion of her daughter-in-law to be who looked like she was ready to devour someone uncooked. The fyrgebraece of her soul emitted onyx smokes in which a forgotten deity was venerated, a lover withered. “I knew I'd never get to have a docile little one. I like how she blazes.”
The Krishnabharyas giggled in unison, an inside joke running in secret. How different could a single entity be in no matter how many forms she presumes.

Maharshi Durvasa smiled smugly, as did Kanha. The protector’s tale unfolded before all as every entity grappled with their amusement and surprise. The vision danced in the symphony again.


[She appears in the shadows and looms without a trace.
The eyes of hers which peek through the mask of a wanderer, they are built of madness and mettle.]

“By strength can one conquer lands, but with compassion and humility and goodwill at heart one shall win over his people. We weren't meant to be just showpieces of the royals, Bhrata, and to falsify that very repugnant notion I must goad you. It's not fit for us Kshatriyas to resort to cowardly quietude and inaction when the motherland calls for us,” Krisha shook her head vehemently, rising from her seat as her sword hissed at her thigh. “This impotence will do no good ever!”

“I know of your concerns Krishu,” Dhrishtadyumna grumbled pacing the lengths of the atriums with his hands locked behind his back. The prospect of Panchala falling to the greed of foreign traders and merchants was heinous yet very feasible, the economy would fall in no time and lest there was any crevice to form between the local leaders, both he and Kamalnayani knew that this would lead to their downfall. And so, the princess of the irascible flames and true fortune was primed to bellow a war cry.

“But it wouldn't be wise to go by what you advise either. We must consult Mata Pita regarding this mire before we step in ourselves to fill it. This has nuances, we aren't risking your security by any chance. You do not know how cunning can avarice make one.”

“There’s a reason I've been trusted with the finance of a big region, Agraja, I know what I am dealing with.”

“That’s not even the point! I'm not questioning your capabilities with regards to your position. You are someone who throws hands very willingly and you're not big enough to differentiate when to put down your weapons for the sake of a strategy,” Agneya loured, gesturing for her to take her settee again as he looked over the loot complaints with glaring shortcomings from the troops stationed around common folks. He also knew why Krisha had taken it upon her ego to talk to small and big sinisters and relieve them of the pressure, red powder practically flying out of her ears as she muttered something petulantly under her breath.

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