Chapter Twenty-Three

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I slide into the living room, where everyone is waiting for me. "Guys! I need your help."

"With?" Rhodey asks.

"I'm going to homecoming with Peter!"

"It's about time," Tony says.


"He asked me if he could ask you a few days ago."

"That's so sweet," Wanda gushes.

"We have to get you ready!" Nat stands up off of the couch.

"You're not going to say told you so?"

"Are you surprised that I was right?"

"I'm not," Bruce says.

"Neither am I," says Steve. "Nat knows everything."

"I only act like I know everything." Nat smiles.

"She knows everything," he whispers to me.

Pepper comes running into the room. "Did he ask her?"

"Yeah, took him long enough," Tony mutters.

"I already picked up some dresses for you to pick from. They're in your room," Pepper tells me.

"Go take a shower and then we can work on your hair," says Nat.

"What's going on?" Sam asks, walking into the room with Bucky.

"Little Stark is going to Homecoming with the Spiderling," answers Vision.

"What?!" Sam yells.

"Pay up." Bucky holds his hand out towards Sam, grinning when he gives him 20 bucks.

"Oh, that reminds me." Wanda holds her hand out towards Pietro.

"Fine." Pietro gives her 20 bucks, aggrieved.

"Pietro, you lost a bet?!" I ask.

"Yes, but she probably cheated by seeing into the future or some shit."

"I'm not physic, brother. You're just mad that I was right about Peter."

"I didn't think Bug-Boy would be able to do it," Pietro scoffs.

"Spiders aren't bugs, they're arachnids," I say.

"Whatever, Witchy. You should probably go get ready unless you want to leave Bug-boy hanging."

"He's an Arachnid!" I yell, running to my room.

After I take a quick shower and shave, I put on a robe. I try on the dresses Pepper picked out for me and then finally decide on one. It's a beautiful royal blue dress that goes to the floor, with slit down the side, thin straps.

I turn Taylor Swift music on while I get ready, to calm my nerves. I do my eyebrows and exfoliate my skin by dermaplaning, and then do all of my skin care to make sure my skin is glowing. I whiten and brush my teeth and then Nat curls my hair, while Wanda touches up my face with natural makeup and gives me a french tip manicure and pedicure.

I choose a pair of sleek black heels from my closet and then spray probably too much perfume all over me. As I'm grabbing my purse, someone knocks on my door.

"Come in."

My dad walks in and smiles when he sees me. "Wow, G. You look gorgeous. Parker isn't gonna know what hit him."

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