Chapter Three

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Levi's pov:

"Oi. Idiot, get over here." I call out to Y/n. I convinced her that the kiss we shared was a dream. That there was poison on the blade she was stabbed with and she dreamed things she didn't believe would ever happen.

"Yes! Captain?" She replies, running through the dining hall. "You seem shaky today."

"I'm fine. Now, we are going on the expedition outside the walls tomorrow, and I need you to tell the cadets that they can change squads through out the mission. That goes for everyone." I mention.

"O-okay, sir."

I watch as she walks to some of the cadets. Eren Jaeger, Mikasa Ackerman, Armin Arlert.

"WHAAAT! HE'S ALLOWING THAT!? SWEET!" Hanji shrieks. God, four-eyed freak.

"Yup, I'm not sure why though, so let's just share the news okay?" Y/n tried to calm Four-eyes down.

"Oi. Cadets, Jean, Connie, Krista, Ymir, you are to be allowed to change squads through out the expedition, so pay attention." I growl. This was going to be a very bloody expedition. I sigh.

{Timeskip to in the forest}

I separate from my squad, Petra, Erd, Olou, Gunther, Y/n, and Eren. A variant was spotted in the forest, a female. I have to kill it, to protect humanity.

Y/n's POV:

Levi leaves us, and my squad rides forward. We switch to our 3dmg devices, and I think to myself,

'Be careful, Levi.'

"Y/n?" Eren asks.


"What is that!?"

His voice shakes, and he grabs his swords. Petra, Erd, Olou, Gunther, and I do the same. WHAT THE HELL!?

The female Titan's human form changes in front of us. The turning was disturbing. "MOVE OUT! MOVE OUT RIGHT NOW!" I scream.

We all go. Protect Jeagar. That is our mission right now, so we need to protect him.

"Let's go, Eren, keeping going forward. If you come back, I'll skin you alive." I say.


The rest of the squad go for the female. I slice the tendons, and blind her, then head for the nape. I slice, but the skin hardens. Crap!

I retreat back, but only to watch Gunther, Erd, Olou, and even Petra, fall into an everlasting slumber. A slumber called death. Eren's Titan form comes running at the female.

'Damn it Eren!' I think.

I run after him, tears falling. Petra. Erd. Olou. Gunther. I'm sorry. You helped humanity survive this long, and your deaths will NOT be worthless.

A sob escapes my throat as I watch Eren be eaten by the female. No. JEAGAR! NO WAY. I run. Run as fast as I can, to find someone, anyone.

I stop.

I didn't feel anything. My heart hurt. It had no room for love, or happiness. No room for friendship. Only room for the hatred and sorrow I had.

The love I had for everyone and everything disappeared. If I end up loving someone else, my heart will burst.

I have to let Levi go, because if I lose him, I'll lose everything. If I lose the love I have for him, I'll be fine.

{{Timeskip to outside the forest}}

I regroup with the rest of the regiment. They saved Eren, Levi and Mikasa. I can't forgive myself.

I could have saved them all. I could have kept going forward with Eren and they wouldn't have had to fight. DAMN IT! I KILLED THEM! I GOT EREN HURT!

"Y/n." Levi's monotone voice asks me.

"Y-yes." My voice is scratchy.

"Our squad is to go to the back of the section." He says.

"Captain. I'm...I'm."

Levi's POV:

I stop breathing as Y/n says her words. Why now? Why this!? Why, Y/n?

"Captain. I'm...I'm leaving squad Levi. Thanks, for everything." She salutes, and walks off.

The hatred in her eyes, hurt. What happened, Y/n?

"Oh. C-Captain." Y/n's voice cracks as she starts crying. "Squad members, Petra, Erd, Olou, and Gunther, are now officially reported, dead."


I was looking for them just a minute ago. And she knew that they were dead all along. How did they die? Why didn't she tell me?

Squad Levi, is now only a captain.

Y/n's POV:

A titan starts after us In the back of the section. I don't think much of it, Levi'll kill it.

I get lost in my thoughts, only awoken by a shriek. A scream of Levi's name.


I see the lightning. A Titan-Shifter. Levi's gone after a Titan shifter! No. No! LEVI, NO!

I jump off the wagon, and run after Levi.

"Y/N! DON'T! HE'S ALREADY DEAD! DON'T RECOVER HIM." Hanji calls after me. My heart shatters into a million pieces.

He's not dead. Not Levi.

I gasp, and try not to cry, at the sight I find.

Levi, lying on the ground. He was covered in blood, ribs and an arm broken. His cheek had a deep slice through it, and his jacket and cape was ripped off. Half of his 3dmg device was gone, the other half broken off. I feel his pulse.

He's alive. He--HE'S STILL ALIVE.

I sob, and grab him. He was only in his harness now. And boots.

I carefully pick him up, and is my gear to get back to the wagons. I lye him down on a blanket.

{{Timeskip to Y/n's room}}

"Y/n." The doctor says. I had been sitting in the corner of my room for a week. I was depressed. The doctor won't tell me Levi's state. I don't know if he's dead, or alive.

I haven't slept. I haven't ate. I can't.

"Y/n?" Eren says, peeking into the room.

I look up. He was here for me. I stare back into the ground after a moment. If I didn't leave squad Levi, Levi wouldn't be in this state.

"I'm here to tell you something. You have to listen to the doctor ok?" Eren says.

"Y/n, Levi, is in a coma. He could be asleep forever."

Humanity's Strongest Solider Is Mine (Levi X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now