Chapter Thirty-Five

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    Levi X Reader 35

Y/n's pov:

"Hey, we're almost there! I can see the walls." Stacey calls from a mountain.

"Stacey, that's still pretty far. You can see it from a mountain." I laugh. 

When I meet up with him at the top, I look out beyond what I had seen. It was really beautiful. I saw a small lake over to the right by some trees, and to the left was a field of flowers. I smiled widely. Stacey was staring at me, just staring. He look at me with wide eyes, smiling warmly. He grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers. 

"Let's go!" He shot down the steep mountain, pulling me with him. I let out a Yelp and then laughed. However, I was quickly forced to be alert. The sounds of faint, heavy, footsteps was heard even through the noise.

"Stacey." I said sternly. He stopped immediately and turned around. 

Stacey was completely defenseless without a maneuvering device, and I was running low on gas. I needed to save some for when we got back to the wall. Why the hell couldn't they just stay away until we got back. I turned around, the sight sped my heart up and caused me to sweat. I felt fear flood through me.

"STACEY, RUN!" I screamed, panic flooding my voice. 

The two of us continued to run down the mountain. How many were there? Fifteen? Twenty? They must have followed us until now, but why? Were they variants? What the hell! My feet were going so fast that I could hardly keep up. Stacey wasn't far ahead, but he glanced back ever few seconds to make sure I was okay.

"JUST GO!" I shouted when he glanced back again. He nodded and ran, however we weren't fast enough to outrun Titans. We didn't stand a chance. Then, I got and idea. We reached the bottom of the mountain, where I proceeded to remove my 3DMG. Stacey looked back and then stared at me with a look of confusion. I dropped the maneuvering gear onto the ground, making a loud bang. Then I turned around, taking a small blade from my pocket.

I slit my arm open. 

((Stacey's Pov:))

I watched as Y/n took a blade from her pocket. What the hell was she doing? I watched in astonishment when Y/n slit open her arm.

"Y/N WHA-"

I was thrown back, the deafening sound of lightning filled my ears. I landed on my back, a groan of pain left my mouth before I gathered the strength to stand up. There she was. Y/n's titan form. 

She had shoulder length (h/c) hair and her eyes were a bright (e/c). She looked impossibly strong, and had 'armor' like the armored Titan around her shoulders, nape, and stomach. She looked like an absolute badass, but absolutely horrifying. She was fifteen meters, at least, possibly taller. Corporal Levi probably couldn't even kill her. She moved quickly, her eyes full of determination. In this form, she could have beaten the female Titan. If Eren and I had helped her too, we could have taken her down easily. 

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