Chapter Thirty Seven

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Levi X Reader 37

I rubbed my eyes slightly, the sound of pounding footsteps and destruction echoed through my room. Yelling and clanging metal met my ears. My body flung upwards as a reaction, leading me to quickly clothe myself and slip on my Maneuvering Gear. Years of being alert even while sleeping had prepared me for something like this. Of course, I didn't know what was going on. I exited my room, only to be met with the sight of horrified cadets and Hanji.

"Y/n! Quickly, we need you at the wall!" My heart skipped a beat when I heard her voice. It was panicked. No matter what, Hanji never gets panic-y. Her voice can shake, she can act nervous, but she isn't. Not unless it's bad.

The cadets spoke loudly, shouting or yelling. I couldn't make out too much, however caught a few 'what's going on''S or 'I bet the Titans are back'. This, of course, didn't help settle my nerves. The loud and fearful aura in the room put me on edge.

"Hey." My voice didn't reach but a few cadets, which paid no mind. "Everyone settle down." Nothing. "Come on, everyone! Quiet!"

Hanji sighed and touched my shoulder, shaking her head. Her eyes said 'it's pointless'. I closed my eyes, anger rising to my chest.


My voice rang above everything else. Cadets jumped and immediately saluted. I sighed and rubbed my temples, stepping forward, away from Hanji's side.

"I need two organized lines, the first six of each will go with me, the rest of you stay with Hanji. Stacey, you're at the front. Quick!"

Everyone scrambled, however with a little shove, all the soldiers stood in place, saluting. I took the twelve I had ordered and looked over to Hanji. She grabbed my arm, leaning in close to whisper to me.

"What are you doing, Y/n?" She spoke almost silently. I looked down, sighing before securely grabbing her arm as if I was shaking her hand.

"Whatever's going on, I'll fix it. I won't stop until it's either fixed or I am dead." My voice was let out stern. My fists balled and I nodded to her, my eyes flooded with determination. I set my fisted hand across my chest and nodded to my friend.

The thirteen of us then rushed off to the wall. However, halfway there, I realized I was missing someone.

"Stacey, where's Levi?" My voice called to him through the crowd of rushing people. The sight sent a chill through me. If the citizens were running to Wall Rose, something must be heading towards us now. I sped up, my small voice didn't stand a chance against the thousands of people running and yelling past us. "Stacey! Where's Levi!"

A few people glanced over, some even stopped. I watched panic flood through each and every one of them. Everyone knew how important Levi was to their ultimate survival. If he was missing, they could pretty much consider themselves already dead. However, Levi is always there in time of battle. The only way he wouldn't be here is if he was injured.

"Is he at the wall? Do they have him fighting? God. Where is he?"

"We don't know."

With that sentence, it felt as if all of the world stopped. The people who had stopped slowly became horrified. Terror ran through me and everyone else. Hanji was panicked. This is why, they can't find Levi. She's panicking because Levi is our main source of hope and power besides Eren, Stacey, and I. Hanji was incredible with a sword, she's fearless, but the four of us alone won't stop whatever was happening. We need all the manpower we can get besides the shifters. We need humanities strongest solider. Without Levi, people won't know what life is.

"You take lead, get them to the wall. I'll see you there." I ordered, activating my Maneuvering Gear before Stacey could protest.

I ran as fast as I could once I had landed. My only guess was that he was at the old training facility. Where we met for the first time after the separation. It was further than I should have gone considering the circumstances, however Levi was one of our last hopes. My footsteps grew louder in my ears as I reached a more solid ground, concrete. The facility had reached my sights, and it was obvious someone was staying there. I stormed in through the front doors rather than my normal back entrance.

"Levi." My voice was loud and stern, it echoed through the halls. "Levi, where the hell are you."

"What do you want." Levi's dry words made me cringe. I walked to the voice, finally finding him sat in a corner. I sighed, glaring at him, and reached out my hand.

"Get the hell up. We need you at the wall, we're under attack." I said quickly, pulling him up by the shoulder. "Stop poutin and go do your damn job!"

I pushed him forward, a short and barely audible gasp left his lips. I ran past him, short breathes left my mouth as I grew tired. I heard Levi's footsteps close behind me. I only looked back at him once. During that time, his eyes caught mine and I could see his blue orbs obviously dulled. I'm sure he could see the bluntness in my own e/c ones. I could see so many emotions in Levi's eyes, they were always there. It took me years to finally learn how to find them. Yet, I felt no emotions right now besides anger. If Levi knew me as well as I had learned to know him, he would be able to see that single emotion.

I hoped he did. I wanted him to see what he turned me into.

This was the second time he had completely betrayed me. And damn, did it hurt. The way I reacted was purely idiotic. I almost got both Stacey and myself killed. The more I think about it, I realize I might as well take responsibility for Levi's somewhat close call as well.

I never turned around again, not until we reached the wall. We both stood and stared for a few moments at the bottom. However, that was quickly disrupted by screams and ear splitting noises from every which way. Levi and I met eyes again, though only for a moment. The two of us quickly maneuvered to the top of the wall to get eyes on the situation.

"Stacey, what's going on-"

An audible gasp, or more like a startled cry, left my widened mouth before my hand covered it. Levi mumbled a few 'holy hell''s and such.

I remember the first thought that came to my head at the time.

"Humanity is screwed to hell." 




I got 2 chapters for you guys!! Three more till the end!


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