Chapter Nineteen

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Levi X Reader 19

Y/n's POV:

"A-Arthur?" The word come out as a question.

Arthur L/n, my step brother, was the one who had kidnapped me not long ago. He was obsessed with taking me home with him. He wants me to be his mistress, the mistress of his small village in the plains.

"Come on." Arthur growls, pulling me up by my neck.

I gasp for breath when he doesn't put me down. Wrin stands there, frozen with fear, whispering my name and telling him to let me go.

"L-let m-e g-o!" I choke out.

Arthur drops me and I land on my feet. He laughs then grabs my arm and pulls me to his wagon. Everyone around was shocked. I looked back at Wrin and gave her a reassuring smile. I looked Into her eyes and gave her the look that she knew ment 'tell Levi what happened,' the same look I gave her when I died.

"Where are you taking me?" I say quietly after my breathing returned to normal.

"Home. Oh, I almost forgot." Arthur snaps and someone scrambles back to us.

"D-Destiny!" I exclaim. "But. . .why'd you go back to him?"

"I apologize, madam. I did, however, clean your room and throne."

'Throne!? How important is this!?'

"What happened to yo-" Arthur's hand slides across my face and my head turns to the side. "What?" I growl.

"No more talking for now, madam." He smirks.

••• (In the mansion) •••

I had been walked to my room in the new mansion. The room was huge, the bed was white still and there was a stain on the wall from last time I was here.

"Destiny. What happened to you?" I growl.

"You left me. All for that stupid Levi. I hate you. You completely ruined my life! I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE BY YOUR SIDE! YOU LEFT ME!" She yells. I do Levi's 'tch'.

"Whatever. You never talked to me. I was asleep and when I woke up you weren't there, you left me." I snap. She looks down then glares at me.

"Have fun in your room. You'll get food every two days, once, and a drink will come with that. You'll be ordered to your throne now and then but the rest of the time you'll stay in here." Destiny smirks and closes the door almost all the way.

"Change, to that, Arthur will be upset if you aren't in it." She points to a dress that hardly covers my butt and is very low on my chest.

'More like a shirt if you ask me. . .'

Destiny slams the door and I change, leaving my white leggings on. 'He won't mind if I wear it while I'm alone at least.'

••• (Levi's POV) •••

"Levi, just keep her safe. He's back, and he wants her to rule. She's not safe alone so don't leave her." Erwin says.

"She's fine. She's a Titan shifter, Erwin, she's an elite solider. Tch, she's probably stronger than you." I glare at Erwin and walk towards the door.

The door slams open, almost hitting my face, and I jerk back. I was so close to punching the idiot until I see that it's Wrin. She looked panicked.

"Corporal Levi! It's Y/n, Arthur found her! She's gone!" Wrin yells. I feel my heart beAt quicken and I turn to Erwin, who had a worried look on his face, and run past Wrin.

'Damn it Y/n, not again.'

I ran down the hallways and then to my office. I slam the door open to find Eren's shocked face on the other side. I 'Tch' at him and push him out of the way. I put on my leather bracelet and then my 3dmg.

"Captain Levi, what's wrong?"

"Arthur found Y/n. She's gone." I scramble around my room to get all my straps together. I had taken them apart the night before.

"Levi, can I come help find her?" Eren asks quietly.

"Brat, I don't care, I just need to find her." I say, buckling the straps on my leg.

We run out of the room, Eren barely keeping up with me, and head straight to the dorms. Before we left, Erwin stopped us.

"Move, Erwin, now." I growl while glaring at Erwin.

"Stay tonight, I'll let you leave first thing in the morning. It's almost night time, all she'll be doing is sleeping right now." Erwin says.

"No. I'm going out to look for her, I don't care what you say. Shitty glasses'll come with me if I ask. I'll take that annoying shit too." I say.

"Levi, no. You have to stay here, I can't just let you wandering around the city at nighttime!"

"Tch, I'm going, nothing you say is going to stop me." I say, pushing Erwin aside.

He lets me past and Eren follows behind me. "Go get Hanji, brat, tell her to come with us." I say.

"Yes sir!" Eren almost yells, then he runs off.

'I'll find you Y/n, if it's the last thing I can do for you, I'll find you.'

Humanity's Strongest Solider Is Mine (Levi X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now