Chapter Six

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Y/n's POV: (6 months after Levi fell into a coma)

I wake up next to Levi again, still he is sleeping. "Wake up soon, please." I whisper, then walk to change my clothes.

I go to the mess hall, like every morning, and sit with Eren, Armin, and Mikasa.

"How's Levi?" Mikasa asks.

"He's still stable, but not awake." I reply.

"You know he'll be fine, right Y/n?" Eren says.

"I know. I truly believe that Levi will wake up soon. I don't care if it's a year, I'm just waiting for him to wake." I daze off. Was it true? What Amy asked me those months ago. Did I love Levi?

"Y/n? Y/N!"

"S-sorry!" I blush. "What did you ask?"

"I didn't ask anything, I said that you two are very close, and I think that is exactly what you need. Someone to be close with." Eren says. "You know~~ I think you could be a cute couple~~"

My face heats quickly. The thought of being a couple with Levi made my heart race. "N-no! Eren! Why would you say that!" I half whisper half yell.

The three of my friends laugh at my reaction. I cover my face to hide my blush, I fail. We all talk and laugh until they go to training.

••• Timeskip to training •••

"Morning, Samuel!" I call, entering the stables.

"Hey Y/n!" Samuel calls. "I'm mending to my horse over here!"

I see his hand waving me towards him and quickly run over. I laugh at his appearance, he looks like he's been working for hours.

"Having fun?" I joke.


We make small talk until my training starts.

"Okay! We are going to up your miles since you have been running them faster every day. Today you'll be running 6 miles in an hour. Then we will spare and work out. After that, horse and 3dmg practice. You'll be done in about four hours!" Samuel informs me. I change into my shorts and sports bra.

After an hour of running, I return to Samuel as a mess. He hands me water and I drink it fast.

"Alright! Nice, Y/n! That's actually a record time for all the cadets AND all the captains!" My eyes widen. I beat LEVI!? NO WAY!

I punch the air in victory. "Sweet! Now who's ready to spare!?" I exclaim happily. We high five and head into the fields.

We both get into stances. "Today, I'm not holding back at all. Don't hold back either, okay?" Samuel says. I nod in response.

I lunge forward and into Samuel's side. He grunts and grabs my foot from under me. I fall back and use my free foot to trip him. I stand up and pin his hands. This was way to easy.

I scream as Samuel trips me and punches my arm as I block him. "You scared me!" I yell. We laugh and I use this time to attack again. Samuel's eyes widen as he steps quickly to the right. I somersault and use a leg to trip Samuel, then land on my feet.

"Ha! Missed me!" He laughs. I smirk and hold out the wooden knife.

"Actually, I grabbed it when I was somersaulting."

Samuel stares at me in disbelief. "Let's go again." I say.

"That's an advanced skill. Not even Levi could attempt it at your level. It's supposed to take years to train and use that skill."

"What makes it so hard!?"

"The fact that you grabbed it without me feeling it at all. The somersault and the way you tripped me whilst recovering from your lunge." Samuel explains. "I am very impressed. Congrats, Y/n!"

We spare and train for a few more hours, then he dismisses me to get back to my room. I can't believe I beat Samuel!!

••• Timeskip to the infirmary •••

"Levi! Levi!" I call, walking into the room. "I have so much to tell you about my training today! I can't believe it! I beat Samuel in advanced sparing! He told me I used a skill that you couldn't even use at my level! I'm still shocked!" I laugh.

Still not looking at Levi's bed, I change my clothes and wash my face.

"How have you been?" I say, glancing in my mirror. "I haven't been to check on you all day. Sorry about that."

I turn around and face Levi. He was actually really handsome when he slept. He didn't have that evil glare, but he was handsome anyway.

"I also wanted to tell you that, when you wake up, I'm staying on your squad. I know I shouldn't have left in the first place, but all of our friends' deaths just, got to me." I whisper. I lie next to Levi again, and put my hand on his chest.

"L-Levi?" I stutter out. I feel his pulse. "Oh my god. LEVI!"

I run out to the main room. "I need a doctor. Nurse. ANYONE." I scream. A few people look at me. "LEVI DOESN'T HAVE A PULSE AND HIS HEART ISN'T BEATING."

I panic, but a doctor and a few nurses rush into the room. I was trying my hardest not to cry. I place my ear on the door to listen, but fail to hear their words.

I kneel to the ground and sit outside of the door, the tears I was holding back, falling. I don't look up when I hear people running into the infirmary. I don't look up when people are yelling my name. I'm forced to look up though, by Eren.

"Y/n! He'll be okay! Listen to me!" He screams.

"Y/n!" Mikasa tries to calm me.

"He wasn't breathing. His heart wasn't beating." I whimper.

Mikasa rubs on my arm, Eren helps me to a chair, and Armin grabs a small blanket. I smile at each of them, tears still pouring from my eyes.

"This is Corporal Levi that we're talking about, Y/n. He'll be fine, don't worry." Armin reassures me. I nod and doze off, leaning on Eren's shoulder.

Eren shakes me awake, pulling at my arm was Armin, and Mikasa was trying to pull the blanket off of me. "He's stable, Y/n! He's still alive!" Armin tells me.

My eyes widen, my cheeks heat a little, and my heart races. He's still alive. I should have known! I never should have doubted him.

I run into the room and stare for a moment at Levi's sleeping body. I jump on the bed and grab him quickly. I hold him in my arms for a minute before I scold him.

"You never should have done that! Levi I thought you were dead again! You love making me cry don't you!?" I whisper yell. "I-I thought that you weren't going to be stable this time!" I cry.

I was crying into Levi's chest, but he never moved. I lie him back on his pillow, then do the unthinkable.

I kiss Levi.

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