Chapter Thirty-Four

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Levi X Reader 34

Y/n's pov:

Stacey was a Titan shifter!?

My mouth dropped open. I let myself sit there in shock for the longest time. Stacey looked at me, his eyes shining with an admiration. He smiled widely.

"Sorry, that was really out there, wasn't it?" He chuckled.

"N-no! I just-I never." I paused, trying to get my words together. "You're a Titan shifter?"

"Yeah. Surprise," he laughed. "I meant to tell you, but I figured soon enough you'd figure it out."

"No, I understand why you haven't said anything." I said calmly.

Stacey glanced up from where he was staring at the ground. His eyebrows were now furrowed and he was frowning.

"How'd you figure out?" He squeaked.

"Oh," my hands shook from the memories, "I 'died' but I came back. I was eaten, but I didn't die. I transformed inside, just by myself, nothing made me do it, I didn't know it was possible, but I did it. Levi and the other Scouts found me, I had lost my memory at the time. They took me back to court and we're going to kill me but Levi started his beating ceremony," I laughed, "he kicked my jaw and my hood fell off. He stood in shock and others jumped from their seats to see me. I didn't know who I was for a long while."

Stacey looked at me as I stared at my hands.

"Levi saved me." My voice cracked.

A single drop of water landed on my hand. It was followed by multiple, until I sniffled, wiped my eyes, and covered my face.

"I'm sorry." I said with a shaky voice. "I miss him-"

Stacey shushed me and gave me a hug. "Go ahead and go to sleep. You need some, it'll make you feel better."

"Okay." I choked out. I walked to the corner of the house, next to their fireplace, lit it, and lie down. The warmth filled the house, and I watched the fire. It's flames jumped and danced with one another. Orange, the colour of joy, and red, the colour of rage. They jumped and mixed together as one. More tears poured out of my eyes. 'Levi, why?'

•••(Levi's pov:)•••

I was going after Y/n. I need her. I need to tell her what happened, I need to apologize. I need to swear that it will not happen again. I have to.

I cannot loose her. Y/n has kept me together. I've seen the way she clings to me when she claims not to be frightened, when she hasn't seen me in a long while. When she's upset she cries into my shoulder. Her e/c orbs which plead for that simple man that she wants for no good reason. She shouldn't want me. However she does. And for now, I need her, I want her. I miss her.



"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you from whatever you were doing, sir."

"What the hell do you want."

"Well, seemingly that your 'lover' is gone, I was wondering if you would like to go to dinner-"

"What. Did you. Just say."

Rage flooded me. Rage and only rage. My hand shook in anger.

"No." I calmed myself. "Y/n is coming back. So you can shut the hell up, back away, and go eat your own shit."

"S-sir!" The cadet saluted and left.


I sighed. "Yes, four eyes."

Humanity's Strongest Solider Is Mine (Levi X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now