Chapter Twenty-Six

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Levi X Reader 26

Y/n's POV:

I woke up crying to myself. I didn't know why. All I remembered was the pain of the slap that my lover had given me.

"Y/n? How do you fee-- are you crying!?" Armin walked into the room then ran to my side.

"I'm fine Armin. I'm fine." I replied quietly.

"What's wrong?" He sighed and hugged me. I cried harder remembering the cruel things I had said to Levi and he had said to me.

"He looked so hurt. T-The slap hurt. I-I was so c-cruel." I cried out.

"It's okay, Y/n. It's okay." He comforted me with another tight squeeze.

"Out, Arlert." A voice snapped. Armin got up and saluted, then left.

I looked up then sighed. "Levi, what is it." I said.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I'm sorry, Y/n." He growled.

"Until you mean it." I snapped.

He flinched a little. "I do mean it, Y/n. I'm sorry."

"You. SLAPPED. Me. Levi. You slapped me. Just leave me alone please." I whispered.

"Fine, I'm gone."


We managed to capture Arthur and Destiny. I argued and argued Levi to let them live. Day after day we fight more. Fights over the most stupid things. So today I'm breaking it off. I have to.

-Knock. Knock.-

"Come in." I yelled into my pillow. I was still in bed from the doctor's order. He said whenever I'm not eating or with someone I was in bed.

"Y/n, let's talk." The kind voice of Hanji rung through the room.

"Hanji, hey." I whispered as I sat up. "Yeah, okay, let's talk."

"How's it with you and shorty?" She smiled.

"If you want to talk about him go talk with him. I don't want to talk about him, sorry." I mumbled.

"You aren't going to. . ."

"Yeah, I'm done. I hate fighting."

"Y/n! Give him another week or so! Tell him you want to stop fighting and then give him a week! You were so happy until he made that one mistake!" Hanji reasoned.


"PLEASE, Y/n! You can't be selfish! Give him another chance."

"I'm not selfish." I looked up. Hanji's eyes were filled with concern. "Fiiiiiiine. I'll give him a week."


"Levi?" I knocked on my lover's door. He lay asleep in his bed. His cheeks were red near his eyes. It looked as if he was crying but his eyes weren't red and there were no tear stains.

"Hey, Levi?" I shock him a little. He opened his eyes slightly.

"What." He snapped.

"You don't look so good, are you okay?" I whispered as I crossed my legs and sat down on the bed.

"I'm fine, idiot." He growled and went back to sleep. I sighed and looked down. That didn't go as planned.


"Levi!" I smiled as I walked into the mess hall and saw him sitting by my cadet friends.

"Training won't be cheap, brats." I heard him say.

"We know, Corporal! We want to be stronger." Eren said back.

"Hey, Levi. Eren, Mikasa, Armin." I nodded to my friends and sat by Levi.

"Yo, Y/n." Mikasa responded. Armin smiled widely at me and Eren waved.

"Tch." Was all that came from Levi.

"Hey, are you okay, Levi?" I asked again.

"I told you I'm fine." He growled.

"Well you don't seem fine! Tell me what's wrong with me. You were talking to them but why not me? Tell me!" I snapped.

"Because you're annoying as hell and need to leave me the hell alone. Go away for a while and let me cope. I left you alone when you told me to so leave me alone, dAmn." He groaned.

I widened my eyes. Eren stared at me, mouth wide. Mikasa stared at Levi with a glare and Armin just sat there. Eyes and mouth wide open.

"Okay." I choked out. My voice was gone and was weak. "Okay, I'm going."

I ran out of the room.

'Shit, I messed us up bad. Shit, shit, shit. DAMN IT! What have I done!?'

It's been. Wat. How long? IDEK.
I'm moving and school is starting and I met an internet friend again and ah.
So muh crap.
I'm adding a big plot twist I think. Maybe. XD

I love you all!

Until next time~


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