Chapter Twelve

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Y/n's POV:

I wake up next to Levi. I didn't feel the bed move at all during the night, he must have slept well. I get up and dressed. This time, I put on my leather bracelet.

"Y/n?" A raspy voice calls out.


"Tch, come here." Levi was sitting up on the bed. His eyes had circles under them still, and his hair was a mess. I sit next to him and try to fix his hair.

He kisses my cheek then gets up to get ready for breakfast. "You had the same idea as me." I say, Looking at Levi's wrist.

"Yeah, I figured since we reunited that we would honor Isabel and Farlen with these."

••• (Dinning Hall) •••

I was a little nervous to walk in with Levi's hand in mine. He wanted everyone to know, mostly Hanji and Erwin, that no one was to mess with me.

"Relax, Y/n. It's fine. We'll walk in together, then I'll escort you to your table and get your breakfast and mine." Levi reassures me.

"Ok, let's go, I guess." I mumble. Levi pulls at my hand and opens the door. The room was noisy for a moment until someone saw us, then everything was silent.

"Is the corporal and Y/n dating!?" I hear a few whispers, my cheeks flare.

"HEY SHORTY!!!" Hanji calls over. "You finally confess?"

"Shut it, shitty glasses." Levi calls back. He slowly leads me to the table where Eren, Armin, and Mikasa sat.

"I'll be back shortly." He states, then walks off.

"Y/N!" Armin exclaims. "Are you and the corporal. . . Dating!?"

"Yeah." I whisper.

Mikasa spits out some of her drink onto Eren. I start to laugh, until I make eye contact with Eren.

His eyes showed pure anger and hatred. 'What did I do?'

"E-Eren, look, about last night, I'm sorry I yelled at you. You have to Understand that Levi and I actually know each other better than I know any of you. He isn't messing with me in bed, he's caring for me, loving me."

"I don't care. I still hate the guy."

(A/N: I actually ship Ereri so this is horrible for me to write T.T I also love Eren so please nh)

"F--Y/n." Levi stutters on my name again, trying not to call me Free. "Here, it's not much, but it's all I could get from the shitty cooks."

"Thank you, Levi." I say, then Levi grabs my hand. My cheeks redden then turn normal again. I rest his hand and mine on the table while I eat.

"So, are you coming to training today, sir." Mikasa asks. There was still a little bit of anger in her voice from when he beat Eren up, but she was slowly forgiving him.

"Y/n, are you going?"

"Actually, yes, I'm going to spare with the cadets."

"Then yes, I'm coming." Levi glares at Eren. He wasn't going to leave me alone with him.

"Alright! Shorty's coming to spare with us!" Hanji squeals from behind me.

"DAMN IT HANJI!" I squeal, grabbing my chest. "I almost had a heart attack."

Levi looks at me for a moment then breathes out one small laugh. I stare at him in disbelief, then he stands up.

"Free, I'm going to discuss my paperwork with Erwin, I'll meet you at training." Levi stares down into my eyes. I nod, and he leans down and kisses my forehead.

"See you soon, Levi-kun." I whisper. Happiness shown all over my face.

"Ugh, he's annoying." I shoot a glare at Eren, but then turn to Hanji.

"You finally found him again, Y/n. After all those years." Hanji says. I smile. "I'm happy for you, if you're happy so am I! Has he tried anything with you?"

Hanji's voice turns serious. I laugh.

"No, Hanji, he's not like that. It's been a day, all I know and care about right now is," I stop for a moment, glancing at Eren.

"Continue." He growls.

"Levi is mine, and I am Levi's."

Humanity's Strongest Solider Is Mine (Levi X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now