Chapter Twenty-Two

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Levi X Reader 22

Y/n's POV:

I woke up in my bed. An outfit of red sat beside my head, a dress. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. I grabbed the dress and walked to the bathroom to change since Arthur had already threatened me once when I never changed.

"Madam Y/n~" A frightening voice came from outside the bathroom.

I didn't answer. But the voice was familiar.

"Open the door, Y/n." Arthur's voice scared me.

I slowly opened the door to reveal the two men standing there. 'EREN.'

"This is Jaegar Eren. An odd name if you ask me, but~ he will be your servant in replace of Destiny." Arthur said. I choked trying to hold back laughter when he said Jaegar Eren.

"J-Jaegar Eren?" I frowned.

"Yes! I'm here to serve you Madam!" Eren said and bowed.

"Err, thanks, Jaegar." I said.

"Well I'll be going, see you Madam." Arthur laughed as he left, leaving Eren and I alone.

"Eren." I breathed.

"Y/n." He grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. "I'll get you out and back to Levi okay?" He whispered.

"Thank you." I whispered back. "How is he?"

"I don't know. I sent Hanji back with him. He'll be okay though, I know he will. I'm sure he knows that I've gone after you by now." I hugged Eren again.

"What's the plan and how long will it take?"

Eren looked down. He sighed softly then looked up.

"It's going to take around nine months."

The news struck like someone stabbed me. 'Nine months? Nine months before I get out of hell?'

"The plan is to tell Arthur that you are pregnant. He'll have to be more gentle because it will be the next 'heir' of this family. Once you are supposed to have the child, I'll convince him to let me take you to a hospital in town. I'll take you to Levi. I've sent news back to the Recon Corp for them to send troops in to kill Arthur and Destiny once we get back. That way, nothing will ever happen." He explained.

"And how am I supposed to LOOK pregnant. He won't believe me if I don't show at all."

"It'll be fine. You're thin enough that if you put on a few pounds  it'll look real enough."

"So you're going to fatten me up like a pig?"

"Do you want to get out or not?"

"Why don't you just tell him I've been expecting!?"

"He'll never believe it. One, you haven't 'shown' at all. Two, you would have told him already."

"I guess you're right." I sighed. "Let's just make it as quickly as possible. I don't like being in hell."

Eren nodded then turned around. "I'll leave you for now. I'll tell him tomorrow that I've found out you're pregnant at the table so act surprised okay?"


Then he left.

I was spending nine months just to stage a pregnancy. Maybe he won't beat me as much. For the 'child.'

••• (The next day) (Breakfast) •••

I walked to the table in silence. I looked like I was unaware of the whole situation I was about to be put in.

"Welcome, Y/n." Arthur said as he sat me down.

"Whatever." I grunted.

Destiny brought out food and I waited until Eren came into the room. He and Destiny sat down and then Eren cleared him throat.

He stood.

"Excuse me, Arthur, Madam Y/n. I have something to say." He said.

"What is it, Jaegar?" Arthur said.

I started to drink my water.

"Y/n is pregnant."

I spit out my water to make it seem like a surprise.

"WHAT." I stood quickly and walked over to him. I took his collar and forced him to look down at me. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN IM PREGNANT."

Arthur stared at his food then stood.

"Y-Y/n. Madam, uh." He couldn't find the words to say.

"I figured it out last night. I thought it good to tell you all today. So that we can take care of the new heir that is being made inside of our Mistress." He looked at Arthur.

Arthur sighed.

"How long until she is to have the child." Arthur growled. "We'll have to take care of her. You'll take her to the CLOSEST medical center to make sure the heir survives."

"A little under nine months, possibly eight or so." Eren informed him. "With all due respect though, if you want the child to be healthy enough to be the heir you can't beat on our mistress until the child is born."

"I KNOW THAT." Arthur yelled. "JUST ONE THING."

He walked to me and slammed his fist into my jaw.

"If this is some trick. If you found out how to trick me about this, I will kill you, Jaegar, and your little boyfriend."

I choked out an 'okay' then left the room.

Yeah, an odd idea but you know what! Yas. It's happening. Sooo yea. Have fun with this XD

Humanity's Strongest Solider Is Mine (Levi X Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz