Let me introduce myself

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I'm Diamond Alazay Smith, I graduated last year with my best friend from Perry Central High school. I decided i was gone take a year off from school then go to college afterwords. My best friend decided she was gone do the same. I'm gay i don't give dudes any chance at all. I work two jobs and live with my best friend for now. I don't care about anybody except for God and my best friend who has all ways been there for me. My parents disowned me when the found out i was Gay only person that still stays in touch with me is my brother. Also my lil sister Nicole also got disowned because she was gay , she lives with my Best friend also. My sister and I are just alike except she is confused at times and I'm not. My best friend and my sister are both strippers and make a lot of money each night. My best friend works two jobs and my sister only works one. She likes strippin and my best friend really don't but enough about all that i'm let you meet them yourself

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