I hear wedding bells

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Andre:I asked Ja'toree to marry me during dinner last night she was happy as hell she didnt know when i told her to pack that i was going to buy her house closer to me i was actually buying an house for us. I want to start a family with her she's got something special about her that makes me go crazy when she's not around me i was thinking about getting her pregnant but i didnt have to she fell in love with me and decided to leave Diamond. I knew she wasn't going to resist being with me so i knew she was going to be with me regardless i hate that i was the caused of them breaking up but aye i wanted ja'toree and i wanted her like crazy every since i had took her phone to her that day at work. I feel like the happiest man ever since she told me yeah that she will marry me and she will soon be Mrs. Jackson. Her momma was a tripp. after her husband left she was flirting with my dad. While i was asking Ja'toree would she marry me her momma was like hell ill marry you if she wont and her step dad was just laughing about it i hope me and jatoree will have their type of marriage. They are best friends and lovers future relationship goals.

Diamond: I heard through the grape vines that Jatoree was getting married i was hell of pissed but aye i promised her i was gone be her best friend and be happy for whatever she decides to do in life but that i couldnt be happy about at all its just not me. I wanted to keep it real with her when i talk to her about it but i know she might get mad at me if i do but shidd I'm see how is go tho when we talk about it.

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