I'm Jatoree

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Let me introduce myself before its time for me to go to work. I'm Jatoree La'zay Carter I work two jobs and have my own house. My best friend and her lil sister live with me. They both was diswoned by their parents when they found out that they were gay. I'm not into girls but i don't care about be friends with people that are gay. i feel like this if them being gay makes them happy then thats cool with as my momma say if they like it i love it. but enough about them back to me I'm a stripper and an assistant. I'm the only child that my mother had. she didnt mind taking in Diamond and her lil sister Nicole in at all because she wanted more kids but couldn't have any because of her sickness. I was happy that my momma took them in when their parents disowned them.I always wanted siblings so when she took them in i was so happy. I'm supposed to be starting my Cna program soon. I always wanted to be a Cna just like my cousins and aunts. My mother was very upset when she found out that me and Nicole were strippers. she raised us up better then that but aye it was easy money, but i promised her i would stop as soon as i could. Enough about me I'm let you guess meet Nicole short ass because I got to go get this money.

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