Look who's here

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Diamond: I decided to pay Jatoree a little visit . As soon as I pulled up she was walking outside and was talking on the phone.As soon as I got out she walked over to me and asked me what was up with me and was I okay. I told her I was good but I needed to know one thing did she still care about me?
Jatoree: I was shocked that Diamond came over to me house especially since I left her for nigga. I was really shocked when she asked me did I still care about her. I love diamond and still care about her. I left her because I knew she couldn't give me a baby and after I cheated on her just decided to break up with her. If she would take me back I would go back to her. Andrea knows how to put in work but my heart is still with Diamond. As she say once she turn you out there's no going back . So I answered her and told her yeah that I still cared about her and loved her.
Diamond: After Jatoree told me that she still loves me and still cared about me I told her I wanted her back. Asked her would she come back to me and she said yesss! I mean aye not trying to sound to cocky I already knew she was gone come back . Because once I turn you out there's no going back.😎😏

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