The wedding

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Will: Today was our wedding day I was super happy and ready to take Jatoree as my wife. I was standing there looking at how amazing she looked. He father gave her her away and she looked so happy which made me happy. The pastor was about to ask me to say my vows before I could somebody was dumb enough to shoot me. Who ever it was shot me and my leg. They rushed me to the hospital and they removed the bullet from my leg. They didn't want to release me so I had to stay. I told Jatoree we could finish our wedding now since the pastor was here. We finished what we left off. Jatoree was no longer an Carter she was now an Smith I wanted to know who would want kill me so bad that they came inside an church and shot me.
Jatoree: I was shocked that somebody would really want to kill Will. I knew somebody would want to kill me like diamond and Andre. Also Nicole crazy ass. My wedding was ruined but I still got married to the man I loved.
Momma rose: lawwd Jesus who would come in the church and shot my daughters husband. I'm like damn Who ever did it was a real savage because I'm crazy but I wouldn't dare try to kill somebody at church

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