Chapter 28 - Truth Serum - Part Three - Friendly Advice [Everyone POV]

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When we had all gathered back round the hat, Knuckles' held it up to me to pick a name first. I reached in and pulled out the first piece of paper that found its way into my fingers.


Oh awesome. We haven't had a good catch up in ages!

Sonic stands up and with a wink, extends his arm out to me to help me up. I grab his hand and he swiftly pulls me to my feet. We walk a short distance out into the trees.

"Blaze my buddy! How're you doing!" he asked cheerily as we sat down next to each other.

"I'm doing well Sonic! I must say this is a new experience for me – I've never been able to talk so much in my life!"

"Yeah heh, Knuckles sure knows what he's doing with his magic plants doesn't he!" We both laughed.

"Hey Blaze, I've got a question," Sonic asked.

"Sure Sonic, what is it?"

"You're into all this mystical stuff aren't you?" he began. "What do you know about dreams?"

"Dreams, huh? Well I'm very interested in dreams actually," I said. "To my understanding there are many different types of dreams. But I mainly focus on three different kinds: normal dreams, lucid dreams and out of body experience which is akin to astral projection."

"Say what?" Sonic looked confused.

"Ok I'll give you a brief explanation." I said. "Normal dreams are the types of dreams you have most nights. You have no control over them and most of the time you won't remember them. They can give you insight into your deepest feelings and fears. Or sometimes they can be unexplainable and just downright weird!" I laughed. "Lucid dreaming is when you 'wake up' in a dream and realise that you're dreaming. If you practice, you can learn to control these dreams and have all kinds of experiences you wouldn't be able to in waking life."

Sonic sat in silence but nodded to me to continue.

"An out of body experience is when your consciousness leaves you body and can travel anywhere around the universe. Sometimes this happens all on its own accord. Astral projection is when you intentionally induce an out of body experience. Everyone has a slightly different way of describing these phenomena, but these are the conclusions I have drawn anyway!"

"Ok well that's waaay over my head but I have another question," Sonic said. "Is it possible for two people to be in the same dream at the same time?"

"Sure. I call that dreamshare." I said. "I believe it's when two people are dreaming at the same time, and they manage to find the same astral plane in their dreams. I've never been able to do this though. I think you have to be really connected to the person to make it work."

"Oh," Sonic said and looked into the distance, deep in thought.


I don't know why but I was feeling a lot happier after my chat with Amy. She gave me hope that things weren't so bad after all...

I was snapped out of my daydream by Knuckles shoving his hat under my nose. "You're up Tails!"

I shut my eyes and picked dipped my hand into the hat, wondering who I would get this time.


I expected Cream to run over and hug me as usual, but instead she stayed at a distance and gave me a closed-lip smile.

We both stood up at the same time.

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