Chapter 14: Night in Shining Armor

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A/N: I'd like to apologize for that last chapter. That was the sadness that I didn't want to write. Just know, there's worse things coming. If you think that this book is hard to read, try having to write it. I gotta think up these things. I come up with the sad. I can't tell you how many times I've cried writing these deaths. Okay, the answer is twice, but those were sobs that, like, shook my soul. 

You woke up with a killer headache. You were tired, and you had no memory of how you got to where you were. You didn't even know where you were. For all you knew, this was the interrogation room where they decide whether you go to heaven or hell. You should have been able to see something, then. Someone, something, anything. But no, it was all dark. 

And cold. Really, really cold. 

You tried to move your legs to stand, but they were bound to something. Your hands, too. As your eyes adjusted to the dark, you saw a little window, maybe 3 feet long and two feet tall. Unfortunately, it was too high up to even consider escaping, even if you did stand on something. 

"Anybody there?" You screamed out. 

That scream knocked the wind out of you. You were confused. Why did that take so much oxygen? Why were you wherever you were? How did you even get here? 

"Rise and shine; rise and shine!" A familiar voice rang out through the room. How Liu was there, you didn't know. 

"Where are you? Where am I?" You called out. 

"Behind you." Liu whispered, dangerously close to your ear. 

I say dangerously because you knew he'd carry a blade. One of the last things you remembered was hearing the knife sliding in and out of Jeff, and you knew the idiot who did it. 

"Okay, great, so, where am I?" 

Liu flipped on a switch and the room flooded with light. You saw that you were in what looked like an attic, judging by the walls. 

"Welcome to the Creepy-Pasta Mansion. You'll die here." Liu let out a little laugh before continuing. "I forgot that chloroform would give you respiratory issues, sorry about that." 

"Can I go now?" You asked, already hating that you went on a walk with this idiot. You would have rather been Jeff on the floor than die in an attic in God-knows where. 

"No. See, I was watching Jeff for over a year. I also know that you were kidnapped more than once by him and his colleagues. This is, what, your third time being held hostage by a group of serial killers? Now, that's bad luck." Liu laughed. 

"Get to the point already." You snapped. 

"Alright. Ever since I first saw you, I knew that I loved you. You were pretty and smart and I was jealous that Jeff had you. So, you've got some choices here. You can either starve to death in this room, or I could put you out of your misery right now. Or," Liu paused and sauntered in front of you, his breath visible in the freezing air. "You could be my girlfriend and live out the rest of your life here. With me and my friends. What's it gonna be?" 

Liu leaned against the wall, just below the window. "Take your time, we've got the rest of your life for you to die here." 

There was a slight clattering outside, and Liu, being much taller, jumped and looked out the window. 

"I'd hurry up if I were you. I think Ben just got back, and he likes girls like you." Liu smirked. 

Girls like you. 

"What does that mean, girls like me?" You inquired, a slight layer of anger in your voice. 

"Pretty, young, smart," Liu walked slowly over to you. "Can cook a good meal, too. He loves homemade bread." 

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