9. Cordolium

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A/N : P.S. This chapter is filled with flashbacks in no particular order.


Word Count : 12.5 k


(New York, February 2018)


The snow had been falling steadily all evening and the weather was only getting worse. It now started sleeting. The loud patter of ice pellets against the roof of his car faded to a dull rush in the back of Niall's mind as he was trying to drive on the slippery road.

Niall was driving his car back to his home but he was not alone in the car, neither he was accompanied by his alphas , like always. There was an unfortunate couple on his back seat.

Marcel was keeping an unconscious Louis down in his strong grip, making sure that the omega was safe from any harm. His senses were on high alert as he was calculating every move around him with sharp eyes.

But that was not all. Four large wolves were the highlight on the long quiet night which were escorting the car to the driver's home. Two wolves, Zayn, Liam, were running ahead of the car while the rest of the two, Edward and Harry following right behind them in sync.

None of them had ever witnessed such harsh weather where snow and rain storm had struck together covering everything in the sight under a thick white layer before freezing them. The wind was howling loudly turning the ice pellets into mild bullets hitting right into their body .

The clouds above stopped any light from aiding them on their journey. One could call it being the darkest night of the millennium.

At least that's what Niall imagined it to be as he looked out at the sky.

Wiping the tears from his eyes with a damp sleeve, he pushed a strand of brunette hair back from his eyes.

He was gripping on the driving wheel tightly, concealing his sobs behind those pressed lips. His eyes not really looking at the road but his mates those were leading the way to their home in a scary night like that .

The thick coat of all wolves' furr soaked through as they were cold to the bones and needed to be out of the rain as soon as possible. If Niall would screw his eyes and focus he could see the top of their furr to be crystallized as they were running along the rutted, road in irritated silence.

Every whimpering sound coming from the back seat would shake Niall's soul and force him to look behind but his mind would stop and scream at him not to or he'd fall into pieces right then and there.

He had promised his husband that he'd drive those two safely to their home.

A pair of dark brown eyes would turn back every other minute to look at him, trying to tell him that he was not alone in this moment and Niall would only let his tears slip through his eyes in pain.

On the other hand, Marcel was ready to turn himself into a human shield and wrap himself around the omega in his embrace.

His face buried in the nest of caramel brown hair, eyes fixed on the sideview mirror. Reflection of his mates following them right behind in the heavy rain was like a assurance of having someone to lean on to when he'd be crumbling down into pieces shortly .

Harry's wolf's was flashing bright every time the lighting strike in the dark of the night as he was making sure to not let any threat anywhere near his mates and friends.

Though he was completely shattered from inside but everyone knew how calm and collective he was when such time comes. He'd hold everyone and everything absolutely together and rightly so no one would get hurt.

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