Schedule & Other Stories

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Arranged To Love

Arranged To Love

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Second Chances (On Hiatus)

Second Chances (On Hiatus)

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I Will Look After You

I Will Look After You

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Hey Doves,

First of all thank you so much for supporting my work all the way till now. I love you all so much. I hope you are buzzing from wherever in the world you are reading this.


I update 5 chapters of a story in a row, then I switch to the next one. I do this in cycles with all of my three stories. This way I can concentrate on each story without getting distracted by another.

Here is an example of that :

❤️ 5 chapters of Arranged To Love (ATL) ,
Chapter - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


💜 5 Chapters of I Will Look After You (IWLAY),
Chapter - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,


💙 5 Chapters of Soulmates (SM) ,
Chapter - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

(P. S. Second Chances is still on Hiatus and will be resumed after Arranged to Love will come to an end.)

I hope I have cleared myself here, but if you are still confused about something, you can always comment on my message board or send me a message to have a chat with me . You can also interact with me on my Instagram

@ 5angels.1direction.1famiy

My explanation...

I get like 2 to 3 hours (1k words) daily to write these stories, and sometimes things pop up out of nowhere and I can't even write a single word. That's why my updates are so late. I know some of you might get irritated when I don't update in weeks but I live alone and I have a job, so I have to do everything by myself. I'm not putting an excuse here but I'm just letting you all know about my side of the story.

I really love writing these stories because they keep me sane and help me a lot to cope from what I went through and I still go through daily. I really like being here and seeing you all loving my stories. Thank you so much for everything.

And please please please please keep up with my message board, cause I usually update about the progress of the next chapter on it, along with other important things.

Thanks for your continues support and love. 😚

Always remember, I Love You ALL.

- Rayne

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