I Once Loved it too

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Chocolate cake

Or a sizzling hot apple pie

Began to look more like numbers

Numbers of calories

Numbers on a scale

Numbers that seem to yell at my face

What I once enjoyed and devoured

Became what I feared most

Every bite taken

Was when another wave of guilt rushed in

Every bite taken

Was when my thoughts turned against me

Every bite taken

Was when my eyes betrayed me

"You are so thin and flat"

A phrase I heard way too many times to count

A phrase that seemed to follow me for years

A phrase that came later to haunt me

They are never happy

Gain a few healthy pounds

And now you are fat

You are either too thin or too fat

There is no in-between

Just when you begin to feel pretty

They come and chase you with their fears

Because how else will they be happy

Commenting on the extra skin on your stomach

Or how your thighs seem to hug each other

Pointing out every little flaw that you just started to fall in love with

Shredding that acceptance into little unmendable pieces

So numbers on the scale begin to drop

More sleepless nights with starving bellies

More painful spines and exhausted bodies

More packets of gum laying around

More caffeine to substitute the hunger

The thing is

This never stops

Thin is never enough

So when is it?

Is it when bones begin to stick out

Or the dark bags under your eyes

Is it when you turn pale

Or when you begin to faint

You have to accept that you can't make them happy

Fall in love with the imperfections so you could be happy

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