You Do Not Belong Here

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Knowing that you are never too far

I feel chained to you

My hands no longer mine

They have a mind of their own

I feel trapped

I could hear your little whispers slithering your way through my thoughts

I could hear you scraping the walls of my brain

I could hear your cunning smile ripping through your face

I am a prisoner

I know you could hear my heart run

I know you could hear my shaky breaths

I know you could feel the heat rushing through me

And I know you smile

I know you smile over the fact that I can't seem to escape

I know you smile every time you cross my thoughts

I know you smile when you smell my fear

It fuels you

You feed off of my fear and I know that

Yet whenever I try to diminish you

You somehow always prove you are stronger

You are a parasite and I am the host

A mere puppet in your game

That I cannot control

I am tired

I am tired of your games

I am tired of being yours

I am tired

I hate you

I hate you more than words can describe

I hate that you are always in the corner of my thoughts

I hate that you are always there when I am in distress

I hate you

I never asked to go through this

I am just a child

I tried crying out but I had no voice

And you were there

And I could not resist no matter how hard

I was sick

I was angry

I was impulsive

But I swear that I am getting better

It just isn't easy

You do not belong here

And you never will

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