She Came a Long Way

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Memories flash before my eyes of the person I once was

Of a person who was fragile and hurt

Sitting with hollowed eyes in the corner of a room

That little girl has come a long way from who she once was

In the span of a year, she has transformed

And transcended the small cage she placed herself in

She was strong enough to overcome her adversities

She was strong enough to push away her demons

She was strong enough to come running out of her shell

She was strong enough to dance through her storms

She was strong

She came a long way

She worked day and night to better herself

To become a better version of herself

She allowed herself to feel the warmth of the sun kiss her skin

She allowed herself to smile and spin under the rain

She allowed herself to embrace who she was and own it all

She allowed herself to feel free

This little girl is proud of who she has become

She has battled through wars deep within her mind

She realized she was resilient

She won't let her scars define who she is

I am proud of who I have become

And one year from now I will be an even better version of myself

For I never let anything break me down

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