Generation after Generation

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Parents always seem to say that our generation is weak
That we would have never survived in theirs
Repeating the phrase "It was harder to live in our generation, but you will never understand

But what they don't get is that we were born into a world of technology
Where our best friends are snapchat, Instagram, or TikTok
Surround by the toxic media

How influencer #1 promotes anorexia because that is when you will be doing it right
Or how influencer #2 promotes plastic surgery because that is the only way to be pretty

We were born into a generation where the media poisons our brains
Feeding us unachievable standard and lies

But they will never understand because they never slipped into our shoes
But watch us grow and have kids of our own
Repeating that same phrase to them
"It was harder to live in our generation, but you will never understand"

What Goes UnheardOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora