The Riches They Hold

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You say your eyes are not pretty

You say your eyes are shallow

You say your eyes look like the dirt we step on

Standards planted so deep inside

By those who own those ocean blues

What you don't know is that your eyes hold the riches and gold the world is greedy for

Streaks of gold intertwined with the rich colors that they hold

Looking like two pools of honey

They alter to different shades of gold

Your brown eyes hold deeper meaning than those in the shades of blue and grey

Your brown eyes romanticize life

Your brown eyes hold the keys to your soul

They hold the overflowing wisdom and intelligence you retain

They hold mysteries that are yet to be uncovered

They hold silent beauty yet to be acknowledged

They hold galaxies not yet known to man

Your brown eyes glow in the midst of darkness among the stars

The sparkle in your eyes dances to the beating of your heart

Her eyes hold the icy cold winters

But your eyes hold the warmth of spring and summer

Her eyes hold tsunamis that could bring down cities

But your eyes hold earthquakes that could bring every mountain to its knees

Her eyes hold the rage of the earth

But your eyes hold the riches that it carries

Your eyes are not just the color of the dirt

Your eyes are yet to be discovered

They are the prettiest combinations of gold and copper known to man

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