Night Consumed Morning

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Morning smiled and kissed every cheek

Filling rooms with her warm rays

She was the life of every party

She was the shoulder and rock to those who needed her

She was loud and happy

And many envied her because of this

What they didn't know is that when she was alone

It was time to say goodbye to these golden rays

It is when darkness consumed her

Night was silent

Not a noise filled the void that night felt

She felt alone in the midst of billions of glowing stars

Night was in pain

But she didn't want to burden moon with these painful foreign feelings

So she bottled storms deep within her

But those feelings will soon begin to overflow needing a release

And that, my friends

Is when night discovered she was an artist

She drew on delicate forbidden canvases

Mixing silver tones with deep reds

She got her smile back

But what she didn't know is that she created a trap for herself

And that is when she became a slave to a vicious cycle


We all know night

She is strong

She is resilient

She is most importantly, loved

She overcomes obstacles left and right

So how is this any different?

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