Crossing Breeds Chapter 16

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-Vance P.O.V-

        It’s been a week and still no Blaine. If you had asked me three days ago if I was worried I would’ve said yes. Ask me now? No, I’m not worried. If he wants to ditch me, fine. He can, besides, Chance is a little cutie. We’ve gotten closer and he’s a pretty cool guy. And although I know he has a thing for Trevor he seems to still have his sights set on me, not that I mind. He and Blaine were one in the same so him being into me meant Blaine was into me too.

        Right now we’re in the lunch room chatting about a party that was being thrown for Christmas when Kristella came and sat beside Chance. He visibly stiffened as did Trevor who was now glaring at the girl with yellow eyes. Chance turned to her. “What can I do for you?” I felt my eyebrows furrow in confusion. He said it in a voice that made me think of an obedient, but un-willing, servant.

                Kristella smiled and glanced at me quickly. “Christmas is in six days, in six days’ time the moon will be just right for a midnight snack.” Something about the way she said this made me shiver in dread. Chance blanched and Trevor froze. I’m missing something aren’t I? –Well aren’t you the brightest crayon in the Crayola box.-

-Third Person P.O.V-

        Chance couldn’t be any more terrified. Today was their last day of school before the holidays and he’d thought Kristella had given up on Blaine. She hadn’t mentioned him for a week. What on earth could she want with him? He still didn’t know and it looked like he wouldn’t be finding out.

        Both Chance and Trevor gazed and Vance who held a look of confusion on his face. “I assume you guys aren’t goanna clue me in.” “Correct.” Trevor replied. Vance sighed and leaned back in his chair, turning his narrowed gaze to Kristella. “What are you planning you little witch?” Kristella grinned innocently. “Why, nothing, nothing at all.” The smirk that followed that statement could freeze a desert.

-That Night-Chances P.O.V-

        I stood there, shocked, bewildered, and happy. “Are you going to thank me?” I turned to my Mistress, my eyes surely displaying my emotions. “T-thank you Mistress but, what have I done to earn such a reward?” Kristella smiled sweetly at me. You’re a good boy, always doing what I say even though you don’t want to. I decided that you should be rewarded.”

        She walked over to the clay body that stood in the center of the room. “This was made by the best body maker known to man. It will last you forever and you can also make it whatever age you wish it. It takes time for it to become fully yours so drop Blaine off somewhere and come back. If you’re back by 10, it’ll be activated my noon tomorrow.” “Y-yes Mistress. I’ll go drop him off right away.”

        I wasted no time in leaving her underground home and walking towards Vampire territory. I'm sure Vance would like a visit from Blaine. Just as I was about to cross over the boundary line and separated my conscience from Blaine’s and phased back to my Mistresses room. She was waiting for me, I didn’t question it. I didn’t have to. She had hell planed for Vance and Blaine, I’d go along with it as far as I could, then warm Vance as best I could.

        I could be killed yes, but at least I’d die in my own body.

-Blaine P.O.V-

        I groaned and turned onto my side. It felt like I had a hangover, what the hell had I done last night? I open my eyes and looked around. “Finally, you’re awake.” I groaned and clutched my head. “Not too loud.” A chuckle followed this statement and I glared in the direction of it then sighed. “Why am I not surprised?” Vance smirked then it faded. “Where were you?” I felt my brows furrow.

        “Well, after I went home yesterday I went to bed and woke up here.” Vance shook his head. “Blaine, you were missing for a week.” I shot up, ignoring the sharp pain in my head. “What do you mean I been missing for a week?!” Vance sighed and leaned back in his chair. “I thought you were avoiding me.” I snorted. “If I was avoiding you, you would surely know.” Before I knew it Vance was on me. Kissing me, nipping me, touching me.

        “Please-” his voice broke. “Please don’t do that ever again.” I tangled my fingers in his hair, headache forgotten. “If I can help it, it won’t happen.” Our lips met in a wild frenzy that I refused to question and soon we were both bare. I smirked at Vance. “You know Vance; I think we should try something.” I gripped his hardness and he moaned. “Anything.” “Anything?” “Anything.” I flipped us so that I was on top, hovering over him. His lust filled hazed dwindled. “What are you doing?” he asked as I probed him.

        “Well you see Vance, I was thinking about something.” “Can you think about it in a different position?” I smirked at his annoyed face and probed him deeper. “I like it up here thank you.” I replied with mild amusement as his eyes rolled back. “Now, as I was saying, I was thinking. In order to be in a relationship you have to compromise yes?” He nodded wordlessly. “Well, I’m topping tonight.” “What?!”

Before he could say no I slammed into him. Needless to say, the neighbors now know my name.

What do you guys think? So sorry for the delay! I hope to have another chapter up soon! TTFN! Ta Ta For Now!

<3 Kittie

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