Crossing Breeds (BoyxBoy) Chapter 18 {Final}

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-Third Person P.O.V, 18 years later-

        Flynn looked in the mirror one more time before he dashed down the stairs. “Don’t run in the house Flynn!” “Can’t help it mom! I’m running late!” “I told you to get ready three hours ago.” “Not helping dad!” Flynn skidded to a stop in the kitchen and picked up the bouquet of blue roses he had gotten for his boyfriend. No, correction, mate.

        He smiled at the thought. It was Robin’s 18th birthday today and they were supposed to be going to Magic Kingdom. He was now half an hour late. Curse you nap time. He thought dashing out the door and into his silver 2013 Ford Mustang GT. The black leather interior made him relax, but only slightly as he turned the car on, backed out of his drive and shot down the road.

        When he got to Robin’s he knew he had some serious groveling to do. Sitting on the front porch was a silver wolf with flashing red eyes. Flynn took a deep breath before parking and getting out of the car with the blue roses held behind his back. “H-Hey Robin.” The wolf’s eyes went hard. “Um…I’m sorry I’m late but uh, something came up.” A low menacing growl erupted from the angry wolf’s chest and Flynn gulped. “Okay, nap time isn’t all that important but I was very tired and-”

        The wolf got up and turned his back on Flynn, walking inside, leaving the door open. Flynn sighed in relief. Obviously Robin wasn’t as pissed as he’d thought. Flynn jumped up on the porch and into the house. “Robin, look I’m sorry.” By now Robin had shifted back and was putting on a pair of tight jeans. “It’s fine Flynn. What were you doing anyway?” Flynn grinned and pulled the bouquet from behind him, delighting in the drop jaw look he got from Robin. “Happy Birthday Robin.”

        Robin smiled widely and took the flowers from his now forgiven mate, holding them to his bare chest. Flynn swallowed. “Hey, think you can put on a shirt for me?” “Hm? Oh!” Robin grinned then winked. “It’s my birthday; I’ll walk around shirtless if I want to.” Flynn groaned. “Go put on a shirt, put the flowers in some sugar water and let’s go. Magic Kingdom won’t wait for you.” Robin pouted but did as he was told.

        Soon they were in Flynn’s car and driving down the street towards their day of fun. They had driven 15 minutes in silence before Robin spoke. “I had the dream again.” Flynn looked at him through the corner of his eye. “Me too.” “Do you really believe what the elders told us?” Robin asked turning to face Flynn. “What proof do we have?” “These dreams for one.” “What else?” “The fact that you have two holes in your chest.”

        Flynn sighed. “Well, that’s some solid proof, but it was the wolf who was attacked, not the vampire. Plus, the holes don’t make it true.” “Flynn, if you accept this, our memories will come back.” “I don’t believe in reincarnation Robin.” “Well maybe you should!” “This conversation is over.”  Robin scowled and looked out the window.

        Flynn sighed. “I'm sorry Ro-” A black film blocked Flynn’s eyes, causing him to jerk the wheel to the right and off the road, his foot pressing the breaks at the same time. “Flynn? Flynn! Are you okay!?” Robin was shaking his lover but Flynn felt it not. It was like he was watching a movie, a movie that told of a story he didn’t want to believe.

         He saw the vampire fall for the wolf, saw how their fondness changed into something beautiful. He saw the vampire lay beside his fallen lover and die with him. He saw the sweet embrace. Flynn saw everything.

        He blinked up into worried red eyes, only to realize that his seat had been adjusted so that he was lying flat on his back with his worried mate sitting astride his lap. “What happened? Are you okay?” Flynn smiled grimly. “I’m fine Robin.” “That’s one question, what about the other?” Flynn hesitated then sighed, rolling his eyes.

        “I saw it.” “Saw what?” “Them, us before we were reborn.” Robin smiled widely. “I knew it would happen! Was I hot? Was I a full werewolf?” Flynn smirked. “Actually, then you were the vampire and I was the werewolf.” Robin’s jaw dropped. “Well…I feel cheated. I was one of two different species and I can’t remember the one I was first.” Flynn laughed and kissed Robin’s pouting mouth. “You’ll know what I know tomorrow mor-”


                Robin shot up in his bed, drenched in a cold sweat and looked around. He saw his phone on the bedside counter and picked it up. The voice of his mate, Flynn, calmed his nerves. “Happy 18th Robin.”

Hey guys! I can’t believe it! The last chapter of Crossing Breeds is now up! –tear- I miss it already! Anyway!!! Tell me what you think of the last and final chapter! And I hope you drew the conclusion I did when I ended it. If you did, awesome!!! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!! (Or forever alone day, whichever one you’re going through right now. I won’t judge.) TTFN!! TA TA FOR NOW!

<3 Kittie

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